… introducing non-linear thinking to the Post-Apocalyptic Age of Decent.
xxxxxxxxx PREFACE xxxxxxxxx
A false ecological sense of permanence with concepts of linearity
have created a monoculture of uniformity and senseless, Artificial Intelligence.
As soon as we recognize that we are just a co-author of our life
it becomes clear that our ‘reading & writing’ skills are
confined to a linear, hierarchic paradigm of anthropocentrism,
and that our mental capacities are utterly compromised
by a senseless intelligence that continues to dictate a lot of
socio-ecological nonsense.
The myopic perception and intellectual shortcomings
have caused all kinds of ecological incongruities
and subsequently, great social-emotional dissonance among us.
Within the social context of our species, mental conditions can
spread like a virus and become epidemic, or even a pandemic.
To understand the ecological realities and to correspond with
our environment, we have to overcome the pandemic effects of
our mental discordances & imbalances.
Realizing that our anthropogenic world is in an irrevocable decent
is a traumatizing experience.
Only by relearning to ‘read & write’ the socio-ecological narrative
of our life in a non-linear, more organic way,
we are able to regain our long-lost sapience,
the common sense of humanity that has helped us so far.
Here the apocalyptic end of human history transcribes into
a new, non-linear narrative where you, the reader, is invited
to become a co-writer of OUR-STORY,
xxxxxx – a more ‘wholesome’ story ! xxxxxx
…transcending to the next level of non-linear, dynamic thinking…
Caveat lector:
Rather than trying to construct a particular awareness or to manipulate a certain consciousness, here the reader is invited
to join a common ‘stream of consciousness‘ that nurtures the eco-dynamic sensibilities of our Social-Emotional Intelligence.
There are at least two ways of reading this text. All my writings can be read as a ‘self-contained’ introduction to a thought, idea or theory or,
– alternatively & preferably – can be taken as a ‘hub page‘ into the subject matter. One may regard them as a vade mecum that goes hand-in-hand with other
publications here & beyond which may be consulted for further analysis or explanations, and/or use the words as vertexes or nodes of a much larger network
of ideas, ultimately leading into the realm of collective consciousness. (Indra’s Net) In order to accommodate this second approach I keep the level of
‘redundancy’ higher than absolutely necessary. So the attentive reader should not be annoyed by these repetitions or reiterations, they are in fact
intended reflections of the contextual environment. This is contemplative writing for the mindful reader, so please take your time and try to ‘think more slowly’.
The sometimes very abstract thematic requires a more metaphorical language with peripheral words & images. This layout allows not only ‘mental breaks’
but also eases the navigation should the reader choose to leave the page or paragraph and return to it later. As in all my writings, the reader can choose
where to begin, end or deviate … … because eventually, everything will fall into place anyway.
Turns out, Covid-19 is not only a serious challenge for the immune systems of our species, but it also reveals enormous
deficiencies in public healthcare, and exposes all kinds of socio-economic misconceptions and cognitive limitations.
Mentally stuck in 19th-century’s science & technology, which are still governed by the right & wrongs of the monotheistic
beliefs, or similar anthropocentric philosophies, it is impossible to ‘understand’ the evolutionary relevance of viral diseases.
Sophisticated manipulations of cognition and the systematic indoctrination of our schooling system
have transformed education into a conditioning process.[1]
With an array of reward & punishment techniques, we forged complacency, acceptance & consent, coercing people
to flock under the banner of anthropogenic Righteousness.
By transcribing our sense of pain into an ultimate fear factor – the Angst of an unsanctioned death – we created a
perfect ‘interface’ for the heteronomous Terror Management & Control of our socially engineered societies.
This culture of fear can only exist in an ultra-competitive environment,
and just survives under the stress of constant confrontation & animosity !
Since biblical times the greatest antagonists are the forces of Nature. Our existence became a constant struggle
with the Dynamic Changes of Mother Earth and remains a never-ending battle versus the chaos & dirt of wilderness,
a fight against the terror of the animalic and the oddity of illegal aliens.
This ‘Natural Dynamic‘ seems to be limited to a black & white view, to friends & foes or a digitalized world
of algorithms, and appears to be reduced to the creation of growth or just a suffering from deflation & destruction.
Of course, this attitude has not only influenced science & technology but also permeated our
perception of medical research, health care & prevention.
Illnesses & diseases are primarily perceived as an adversary of mankind, we simply demonize & attack them before we ask
for their reason in life – our life – and what purpose they serve. Human arrogance is tied-up fighting the symptoms
rather than looking for causes & consequences. In our ignorance we rather act first and ask questions later,
or – out of sight out of mind, in repression & denial – we forget about it completely.
With this insensitive & inconsiderate behaviour, we first lost sight of little things like bacteria, viruses & fungi,
followed by insects, algae & lichen, the things we considered to be nonexistent, irrelevant or presumably inferior to us.
Then, by adding the exorbitant claims of value, rank and divine authority to the ‘fire‘, we created this depraved,
anthropocentric monoculture with a mentality of great ignorance towards the larger, ecological concepts & dynamic of life.
This narrow-minded and biased perception of reality affected not only our entire cognitive development,
but also rendered scientific research and education oblivious to the synergetic dynamic of life,
and so with corrupted our socio-economic frame of mind – and so our ecologic insanity took off…
The divine entitlements to dominate, tyrannize & bully the ‘Rest-of-Creation‘ prevents us
to adapt to the circumstances and to synchronize our actions with our environment.
According to C.G.Jung, this mental infestation behaves like a viral infection and has now evolved into a mental pandemic,
affecting all forms & levels of our thinking and – as we are learning today – is even compromising the makeup (DNA)
of our intelligence and causes psychogenic diseases of all kinds.
With the reckless expansion and the irresponsible growth of our technology we ‘saturated‘ our ecosystem
with etiologic agents and Neurotoxins causing incomprehensible neurodegenerating diseases [2]
Social-emotional numbness, combined with self-centred arrogance and contempt of the eco-dynamic nature of life
have caused a rapid decline in the sapience of humanity.
Hubris comes before Nemesis !
Centuries of cancerous growth, immature behaviour and senseless hostilities towards our own kind & habitat
has now provoked a major immune response of our planetary ecosystem.
And again, what is our species doing ?
– What we know best, fighting the forces of Nature !
Hoping for a different outcome, – maybe this time.
xx ! x War against nature: ontology, cognition and a constricting paradigm ! → xx
Before the ‘arrested development‘ of our social-emotional sensibilities,
when we had to be more in sync with our own kind & habitat,
when animals & plants talked to us like brothers & sisters,
we used to pay more respect & attention to our host.
We were listening to our ancestors and the ‘voices‘ around us,
we watched where we were going and trod carefully.
We were reading the tracks and the ‘signs’ above & below our path,
Mother Earth & Father Sky provided plenty of food for belly & thought,
fresh Water, clean Air and rich Soil filled us with Inspirations.
We responded Intuitively and complemented the whole with our Imagination.
Of course, we could not afford to live any other way, neither can we today !
The herd-, swarm- or flock-mentality of our species, with all its social-emotional sensitivity,
developed the mental faculties of abstraction.
This ability facilitated a more sophisticated form of communication that is unique to our species, gave us
a Language that names things, can transform feelings into emotions and transcend phenomena into meaning.
The Abstraction of
Intuition, Inspiration & Imagination
correlates & comprises
the co-creative Foresight of our ecosystem
with our Insight into the Psyche.
When things got named and anthropomorphized, when animals, trees and even landscapes began
to ‘talk’ to us, our empathy with ‘the Others’ extended into our habitat.
This new recognition of our surroundings, together with the reflection of our Self in the ‘Other‘, prompted
new differentiations & distinctions, a subjectivity vs. an objectivity, the individual vs. the collective,
where humanity as a collective became a distinctive part of the commons.
This ‘Mirror stage’ of our species awakened a new sense of belonging to Mother Earth, our planet as a whole;
we began to recognize our close interrelationship with the environment, and to realize our great,
social-economic dependency on our ecosystem.
Let’s not forget that this Awakening already inseminated a misconception about our Self,
a ‘me’ illusion that ‘set-the-stage’ for the great, miconceived Self-Awareness that evolved
into anthropocentrism and is now at the heart of all our philosophies & belief-systems.
Busted !
The nature or character of our Planet is alive,
fertile and of paradisical abundance.
All well-being consists of a nourishing & reciprocal relationship,
it requires respect, sensitive cooperation and responsible participation.
Our ancestor’s intimate relationship with their environment wasn’t just limited to sympathy and
’empathy toward things’ as in – ‘Mono-no-aware‘, it was also an ultimate source of inspiration & knowledge.
Nature became our great mentor.
From early on, before the invention of written language
and the more complex mythologies of civilization took over,
we lived within an animistic world,
that was guided by a ‘primordial‘ spirituality [3]
Before we divided Heaven & Earth,
broke everything down into physical & intellectual properties,
our species considered itself an integral part of the Whole,
just a component of a living organism,
the ecosystem we always called home.
Translating & interpreting the signs & phenomena of the elements & scenery,
speaking & understanding the ‘language’ of plants & animals was as important as
communicating with the members of our family & tribe.
The observation of plant behaviour and the tracking of wildlife by our hunter-gatherer ancestors is
considered to be the beginning of systematic research and the implementation of scientific reasoning.[4]
Reading the ‘signs’, recognizing patterns & relations and predicting future outcomes
required an educated mind and historic knowledge.
From the elders & medicine men to the shamans & druids,
from the senators of Rome to the sheikhs of the Arabs,
the brightest and most experienced minds of their time
were the guardians & caretakers of this knowledge & wisdom.
For thousands of years, generations after generations,
this ‘sacred’ communion with Mother Nature was able to maintain
a balanced & harmonious relationship to our environment.
We congregated as a collective and co-responded in a sensible & respectful way with the commons.
The systematic acquisition & sharing of skills & knowledge
and their facilitated transfer to our children and children’s children
added a Generational Intelligence [5]
to our intrinsic Social-Emotional-Intelligence
and gave us so the sapience or wisdom
that made our species such a success story.
With the systematic attainment & conveyance of knowledge & skills came
a more sophisticated food production and a rapid increase in population.
The change in diet & nutrition [6] did not just change our brain activity and cognitive functions
but also affected our entire social behaviour & socialization process;
we developed more complex languages with more intricated stories that created new,
more complex societies [7] with new ideas of common heritage, purpose & culture.
Growing out of its infancy, our species slowly matured into an age of self-realization & self-actualization,
the Adolescent Mindset of Humanity.
The simple multisensory Object Recognition had evolved into a more attentive perception,
– the apperception that developed our Collective Perception [8],
and began to add the subjectivity-of-Individuality to the co-creative interactions.
A more complex differentiation & segregation, the separation of things & phenomena and the detachment
from ‘Mother’ nature began to create a new kind of relationship to habitat & environment.
We created new norms, terms & conditions for our behaviour and interactions
with the ‘Non-Self‘, the Other, the Not-Me world.
The growing complexity of the social-ecological issues required, not only the reorganization & restructuring
of our traditional ways of thinking, but also new strategies to harmonize our actions
with all the new deities we ‘encountered’ on our journey.
Since all knowledge- & wisdom-transfer – across society, up & down the generations – was done orally,
our abstract thinking was running full steam and old philosophies & cosmologies
created all kinds of new mythologies. [9]
Spirits, daimons and other supernatural beings evolved or ‘translated‘
into gods & goddesses, demigods and other immortals.
Besides the anthropomorphization of natural phenomena, we added or applied
all kinds of human emotions & traits to these, our Deities.
These ‘Higher Beings’, an abstraction, or product of our advanced ability
to think in abstract terms, replaced our natural environment as the great
teacher & benefactor;
Our transition from hunters & gatherers to herders & farmers presented great challenges
to the intrinsically collaborative thinking of our collective intelligence.
Everywhere along the great rivers of our planet, wherever a fertile soil and freshwater supply promised
good crop and prosperity, the people settled down and established their new farming communities.
Working the fields & gardens, taking care of land & cattle, together with the processing,
storage & distribution of the harvest, required all kinds of new specialized skills & traits.
The technological advancements of the Bronze Age were enormous ‘life changers’.
After weaving, pottery and carpentry, the smelting & forging of tin & copper added much
harder & durable tools & hardware to the technologies, boosting the engineering & construction of
buildings & technical facilities, and made the production of new instruments & devices just possible.[10]
With the adolescent awakening of our species came greater individual self-awareness
and with such assertiveness, we began to outgrow our confidence as a collective.
Gifted or chosen by the Gods, the knowledge, qualifications & skills of an individual determined
its role or place in the community; Schooling & training, especially in reading & writing
for administrative positions, became increasingly important.
These first, ‘specialists’ began to form their own societies within their communities. Their ‘trade’ value
in knowledge & skill elevated their social status above that of an ‘ordinary’ field worker
and so established the first level of a still simple social stratification.
Sharing responsibilities & workload was nothing new for these early, non-stratified, egalitarian
or acephalous communities, but the transition into a more complex, technology-driven agriculture
brought radical changes to the socio-cultural fabric of humanity.
Besides the traditional community ‘management’ of elders & chiefs, a new body of ‘counsellors’ emerged.
The shamans & medicine-men became astrologers & priests, scribes & alchemists,
the philosophers & psychologists of their time and the mediators between the people
and the super-natural world of their Deities.
This group provided the social engineering, the divine guidance & leadership, and eventually produced
the ‘Law of the Land‘ and with it the lordship to protect & enforce it.
The top level of the hierarchic world order was established.
Adolescent self-reflection & self-definition is easily manipulated & compromised,
then turns into the narcissism that loses humility and sight of All-Others.Pride & vanity precede arrogance & ignorance.
Where we had a complex, environmentally responsible self-actualization thru reflective, autonomous thinking,
we began to deprive the individual of his self-determination by rationalizing a guidance from above,
the governance by the chosen-ones and other ‘divine’ representatives.
Man declared themselves the standard of all measures, [11]
Deeming to be the most valuable of all species,
all our thought & ideas, every consideration began to gravitate around man’s supremacy.
Nature’s abundance was degraded to the ‘lowest common denominator’,
condemned to the bottom of the heap.
This is where our hostility towards All-Others began,
and the ethics of exploitation & subjugation was born.
A scheme of a pyramidal world structure was superimposed onto our inherently, lateral social orientation.
Our intimate, social-emotional interconnection with Mother Nature slowly shifted away towards
a new abstract institution of divine law & order, – OUR Gods.
Cutting down forests, breaking the earth and domesticating animals for ‘food’, was often seen as
a violation of the spirits or desecration of mother nature.
This violation of our environment or ‘original Sin‘ has weighed heavily on our conscience,
burdened us with guilt & regret and has traumatized us deeply ever since.
All subsequent mythologies, philosophies & religions, as well as modern psychoanalysis
had to deal with this socio-emotional fall-out.
First, the separation from our natural habitat was a slow & gradual process that has stretched
into the modern age where industrial civilizations clashed with indigenous peoples.
As long as the human world population was sparse and the Neolithic Revolution occurred independently in
separate parts of the world, the impact on the environment was dampened by
ecological restoration practices and limited by natural regeneration processes.
In the beginning, the mental disassociation from the environment could be rationalized
by some new abstract constructs and/or an authorization by the Gods.
Experience and common knowledge got overthrown & replaced by the growing belief in the creational powers
of man under the leadership of some selected geniuses or ‘chosen ones’.
With the emphasis on the divine entitlements of our species,
concentrated around exceptional individualism,
came a decline in social affinity and a dissolution of community.
Slowly but steadily we lost sight & sense of the Whole Entity
and began to forget about synergy & co-creativity,
the main characteristics of interrelation & kinship.
With growing disrespect towards organic competencies and a general disregard for natural occurrences,
we began our social-emotional desensitization which eventually cost us our intellectual integrity. [SEI]
Ignoring the bio-dynamics of ecological synergy, we started to follow just abstract ideas or
theoretical concepts; by applying our – now ‘Artificial’ -Intelligence and our new, ingenious technologies
we began to construct our very own, linear, hierarchic ‘universe’.
This adoration for man-made things combined with environmental negligence
and ecological incompetence put us on a track of excess & dissonance.
As a man’s lifetime added new measures & urgencies to cosmic & global events,
our life became a more & more competitive race against the dynamic & synergy of Nature.
Opposing or contradicting the ‘hand that feeds you’ has always raised the level
of emotional discomfort in social beings, and when overstressed,
leads to more severe forms of social-emotional inconsistency & imbalance.
This emotional & cognitive dissonance became the new standard of reasoning.
Nothing comes out of nothing !
Phenomena will not just arrive from nowhere
they do not appear without a warning.
All things develop & evolve constantly,
not just in the Here & Now.
A phenomenon never comes alone,
in any event, there is an entourage effect,
causing new phenomena to arise,
constantly and at all times.
Everything is always creating something.
Speaking to the analytical mind, here we are not talking about a linear, consecutive, causal chain of events, but an infinit, multidimentional network of phenomena, where everything is correlated, interconnected and of interdependent origination : - if this exists, that exists; if this ceases to exist, that also ceases to exist - Like nodes in a network, all phenomena are complementary, interrelated and of equal relevance somewhere in the past, present & future. As the network constantly expands and conditions & circumstances affect the outcome, the phenomena might have similareties, but are never the same. The observations here need to be understood as a synopsis of the net-at-work, as a whole, and seen as reflections and reverberations of some key-phenomena, in particular. Elucidating them in context & correlation with certain circumstances & conditions should help to reveal their relevance for current apperception & conceptualization. Deciphering the entanglements requires the reflection & participation of the reader! Indra's Net
The dynamic of misconceptions in our Healthcare systems
— – where ‘Our’ Health is an ecological issue as well as THE social-emotional concern of the century. —-
For the longest time, the evolution of our social-emotional-intelligence
coincided with our socio-economic development,
corresponded with our food production
and was in consonance with the eco-dynamic of Mother Earth.
As long as the new sedentary communities maintained their common sense, their collectivity and egalitarian
structure, an ecological dissonance was curbed or non-existent. [12] [13]
But as our ancestors began to stake out their fields & gardens, other issues began to arise;
– a general concern about the responsibilities & benefits in agronomics, and a particular interest in
the administrative roles & powers in these enterprises, required a redefinition of Ethics & Belongings.
With language & logic we altered perception & consciousness.
Just the rearing of animals and the cultivation of gardens
gave ‘having, possessing & keeping’ a new meaning & significance.
The fateful misconceptions of appropriation & ownership
have not only altered our entire socio-economic apprehension
but also developed a remarkable dynamic in our healthcare systems.
Where offsprings or children belong to their parent-organisms, it makes perfect sense that new inventions,
conceptions or creations belong to their designers or creators and are therefore their responsibility.
Since no individual or even unicellular organism
can exist on its own or in a ‘vacuum’,
early farmers understood very well that
herds & fields belonging to the community
and that ‘it takes a whole village to raise a child’
or to bring in a harvest.
But, in the new context of permanent settlements with increasing populations, new work specialization
and a division of labour with all its new social evaluations & classifications, something like ‘possessions’
became a major determinant in human relations, transforming everything from knowledge & ideas
to water, fields & livestock into commodities & properties.
Tangible or not, all things, including human lives became a commodity.
Just the introduction of the abstract concept of ownership with all the consequential redefinitions
of mine, yours & ours, transformed our entire perception of being a part-of – to – having-a-life.
Lines were drawn, not only into the sand,
but right thru societies and across our existence itself,
separating our Life from the Afterlife.
Fencing-off fields and walling-in our belongings,
separating & dividing the righteous from the mean-minded,
and the ‘Haves’ from the ‘Have-Nots’,
became the main occupation of men
and an obsession for many.
And then, when the accumulation of wealth translated into the meaning, purpose & value of our existence,
when the protection & defence of our hoardings became a collective anxiety and an element of survival,
the consequences were catastrophic. Our species entered a cycle of perpetual war,
fighting for –or– against every other thing out there & around.
Now, the privatization of all common-wealth & public domain,
with all its divine justifications and ethical sanctioning,
has authorized an impudent & offensive behaviour towards all others,
a disastrous misconception with dire consequences.
It is hard to tell if it were the intellectual or the tangible properties that preceded
the principles & entitlements of the stratifications that followed.
Our social-emotional-intelligence, the ‘powerhouse’ of our species was compromised,
an emotional illness had taken hold of our minds and our sentience & sapience began to dwindle.
Increased population density not only affected a faster spread of knowledge & technology,
but also promoted the transmission of intellectual nonsense and mental diseases.
With this impaired intelligence and compromised mentality
we opened the floodgates to numerous misconceptions,
—… and everything ‘down that line’ began to contradict the dynamic & flow of life… got stuck in sickness !—
Of course :
With these social-emotional deficiencies and intellectual shortcomings,
the road to Babylon was paved.
The efficiency of monocultural cultivation and trade specialization became
the driving factor of the new anthropocentric economies.
Undoubtedly, written languages boosted the efficiency & accountability in trade & technology,
but fell short to develop, or even maintain competent & congruous social-emotional interrelations.
Summarizing complex & dynamic phenomena in a few lines of words & numbers on some plate or papyrus,
introduced a reductionistic way, a new kind of scientific method or modelling that reduced knowledge
and experience to only that what is measurable, verifiable and truly static – of course.
With these definitions, parameters & limitations we created the algorithm
that are now reducing our lives to some digital flickers on a screen.
But the terms & rules of assessment were carved in stone, dictated by an abstract ideology or authority
that had no, or very little correlation with the actual circumstances or dynamic of real life.
These laws of appropriation, with all their restrictions, new classifications & stratifications had a
disintegrating effect on our Social-Emotional-Intelligence, transforming organic, social networks
into more artificial structures with significant social & economic ramifications.
As the correspondence with our natural environment broke down or got lost in translation,
all aspects of our conscious thinking and subconscious emotions got affected or manipulated.
Most notably is the interpretation of eco+nomy where our common habitat, our planet, is partitioned into
a bunch of properties that are individually managed in complete discordance with any eco-dynamics and
in disregard of the environmental circumstances, ignoring all socio-eco+logic reasoning and common sense.
xx-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-(where ‘common‘ is in contrast to ‘individual’ sense!)
As languages shape our minds and our embodied– & grounded-cognition, these misinterpretations
of eco-dynamics have constrained & misguided our entire cognition and infested all aspects of our lives.[14]
Together with the taming & domestication of ‘wilderness’ came a new sense of dominion over
the natural world (Genesis 1:28), a degradation of all non-man-made things and the vilification
of all forms of natural ‘disorder’ or chaos.
Improved coordination & division of labour allowed a rapid growth of diverse & complex communities.
But now the achievements of the collective were attributed to some, or a small groups of individuals,
the heroes & idols of the community. Those individuals began to establish new kinds of leadership & elitism
by dividing & stratifying societies into echelons, castes or classes.
When population density became a serious stress factor [15] and, in combination with environmental scarcity,
lead to more social-economic inconsistencies & conflicts [16], all these socio-economic changes needed
mythological or spiritual reflections & justifications.
Adjusting traditional values, ethics & beliefs or even changing a paradigm is a difficult process
that takes time and requires a lot of skills & sophistication.
In order to ‘sell’ their new, social-economic models, the leadership had to break our
social-emotional integrity, sever our spiritual bond with ‘Mother’ Nature, and then replace everything
with the altered design of a newly engineered, social-economic belief system.
Cognitive, emotionally & ecologically in discordance with ‘our own’ nature,
our species ventured into a series of socio-economic ‘experiments’ & trials.
Idealizing [17] the new theories of divine entitlement & stratifications, the ideas of anthropocentric ethics,
values & principles began to corrupt our way of thinking and to dominate our philosophies.
The following socio-economic models, all in need of some kind of spiritual or divine justification,
began to form new schools of thought that tried to merge the new terms with idealism & materialism.
What emerged was an amalgamation
of the greatest misconceptions
our species ever had in mind.
The Genesis of the Mosaic Laws,
the nucleus of Abrahamic monotheism
became the consecration of monoculture
and its hierarchic world order !
Elevated to a new kind of spirituality,
this belief system or Religion contaminated all aspects of life.
From the way we see ourselves & treat each other
to our relationship with the environment and the dynamic of life,
everything began to derail from thereon.
Now that our socially engineered paradigm is crumbling
and our host is rejecting us,
how are we going to respond ?
Caveat lector: Here I need to remind the attentive reader that this particular article is all about immunology, and our ability to cope with Covid-19 and other immune responses and defence mechanisms of our planetary ecosystem. It is in the nature of a non-linear, wHolistic analysis, like this, to create a ‘mindstorm’ of correlations, retrospections & cross-references, and to engage the mind of the reader by illuminating the contextual environment and other parallel phenomena. This way of thinking requires mental plasticity, a corresponding attitude and intellectual participation.
Now the Covid-19 Pandemic
reveals a Linear, Hierarchic Paradigm
at the End of its own Definition,
where ‘Beginning & End’ are just an abstract Demarcations
of some ill-suited & incongruous Presumptions
that have caused grave Misconceptions about the Dynamic of Life.
The privatization of the common-wealth & public domain has not only transformed us
into a sociopathic species, but also corrupted all aspects of our lives.
The commodification of people and the commercialization of science & education
had a devastating impact on our healthcare systems.
For 8 billion people our common wealth became sparse and the world turned into a highly competitive
marketplace where every individual is obligated to fight for their place in life.
Because the preservation & conservation of our habitat, and the maintenance of healthy water,
air & soil were just too costly and not ‘profitable‘ enough, prevention & precaution
became an inconvenient nuisance for our economic insanity.
With some counterfactual,- conditional thinking we developed dualistic concepts
of Good vs Evil and a Beginning & End which, together with some dubious justifications
of original appropriation and the belief in a divinely ordained hierarchy of things,
became the false premises of all our thinking and the axiom of anthropocentrism.
Since this dualistic worldview added illnesses, diseases and other disorders
to our long list of enemies, our economic madness made the ‘eternal’ warfare against
all such infirmities an extremely profitable enterprise.
When this dissonant mindset impinged our analytical thinking, all our inquest & research assumed a more
defensive character, and became rather invasive & destructive than compassionately & respectfully intrigued;
Our scientific methods got contaminated by cognitive assumptions and anthropogenic bias.
Instead of preserving & maintaining the ecological balance & health, preventing the pollution & destruction
of our environment & habitat, we react defensively and engage in a fight against nature.
With the anthropocentric principles, ethos & dispositions being the measure of all things, it is undeniable
that all our economic & academic thinking is corrupted, marshalled & predominated
by the linear, hierarchic paradigmata (and algorithms) of modern civilization.
In one way or the other, the nucleus of our research & development is contaminated with ideas,
formulas & theorems that are absurd, insensible and, in-light-of the devastation our species
leaves behind, completely insane.
The algorithm we apply
in science & technology
are just some finite formulas
that follow senseless economic rules
which are completely out of sync
with the dynamic of real life.
Our cognitive-emotionally impaired intellect is now trapped in a linguistic perception, restricted by
abstract laws of ‘logic’ reduced to a Science of marginalization and the dialectic of ‘FALSE & TRUE’,
with a rationality of tangible results and final conclusions.
In discordance with the Dynamic of Nature and inundated by the dynamic of misconceptions,
humanity is perceiving most natural interferences as an abnormality or disease
and is promptly going to fight them.
xxx“Kill them before they grow!”xxx
But going to war against
something we don’t understand
is like the ‘tilting at windmills‘
by Don Quixote.
Not understanding means:
not comprehending what is apprehended.
Where economic reasoning restricts & limits
the sharing of information or communication,
misunderstandings, misinterpretations and false assumptions become the ‘rules of action’.
The anthropocentric ignorance & hubris has crippled our Social-Emotional Intelligence,
‘blinded’ & benumbed all our senses and rendered our species ecologically dysfunctional.
The social-emotionally impaired mindset with all its socio-economic misconceptions has corrupted
one of our most important ‘survival’ or life-skills, our ability to communicate,
share & interact with our environment.
We need to understand that the common phenomena of communication, the exchange or transmission of
information, is not just limited to interhuman activities, but applies to the entire network of organisms,
the biocenosis that composes our species within, and as part of its habitat.
An evolutionary perspective on the universal role of neurotransmitters may help us
to understand the interactions between organisms in a particular ecosystem (biocenosis)
– from microorganisms to plants & animals.
Such environmental interactions include interspecies communication, biosemiotics and all
the neurotransmissions [18] of the living world; – this is where Trees Talk and we send messenger RNA’s
to correspond with certain genes to stimulate our immune response,
– Our responding to Covid-19, – clumsy & violent as usual !
But the systemic mistrust and aggressive competitiveness of an insane economic thinking
has taken us to a place where a lack of faith in the eco-dynamics of our planet,
and a fear of ‘All Others‘ governs our rationality.
A manipulated or contaminated Apperception perceives the contrasting & undefined, the untamed & uncharted
wilderness as a threat, and makes us rather afraid of the unordinary & unknown chaos than curious or intrigued.
This fear of ‘All Other‘ makes it easier to detest strangers, foreigners or aliens,
it creates the malevolent beasts, barbarians & enemies we want to fight,
and gives us all the ugly monsters, the vampires, Orks & Zombies we love to kill.
All the strange & unknown things out there,
all these incomprehensible & misunderstood
phenomena in & around us,
make us uncomfortable and
‘put the fear of God into us’.
Unreasonable suspicions, anxieties & fear,
rule our thinking and guide our actions.
This paranoia has turned
common ground & knowledge into
commodities that can be traded & pawned
like any other stolen goods.
Instead of cooperating & responding by sharing & exchanging goods & information,
we rather kill relationships by reacting aggressively & defensively.
Our entire species is driven by anthropocentric delusions & irrationalities, assuming a world given to us,
maybe for safekeeping but nevertheless ours to have & exploit !
But the reality is that our very own human microbiome is just a minor participant in a much larger
biocenosis and that even our bodies are outnumbered by Non-human microbiota.
Unfortunately, this, our commensal & mutualistic symbiosis is systematically ignored and, stupidly enough,
our bio- or eco-dynamic relationships are still not part of academic conversations but rather a subject
of our constant warfare against the ‘Rest of Nature’.
Now our long list of archenemies is not just including the heathens & barbarians from behind the wall,
but also the bacteria, viruses & fungi of our habitat.
Education, research & science are manipulated, corrupted & bias, distorted by
the commercialization and profiteering of a warped economic thinking.
All our concepts, principles & methods are fundamentally flawed, misleading and eco-dynamically unsound
and unsustainable. Common knowledge and historic data are manipulated, reports & observations are suppressed
or censored by the prerogatives & copyrights of Abrahamic righteousness.
Stressed-out & overwhelmed by rapidly advancing technologies and ever-increasing populations,
we depleted our common sense, displaced [19] our environmental identity and lost our perspective & integrity
as a community of people; fell apart as a Social-Emotionally Intelligent species.
By replacing sapience with impercipience & hubris we became estranged from reality,
ecologically illiterate [20] and socio-economically psychotic monsters.
We created our own artificial intelligence,
an authorized design
with intended breakpoints and expiration dates;
All for bigger profits.
Of course, this anthropocentric, acquisitive mindset, with all its social-emotional shortcomings
and cognitive-intellectual impairments, debilitated our environmental functionality, our semiotic ability
to communicate or exchange thoughts, not only with other members of society, but with all
the collaborators of this ecosphere we call home and named Earth.
This dissociation from reality caused a lot of misunderstandings, incongruities and misconceptions.
Self-absorbed in this immature, adolescent mindset we assumed a maleficent environment and our respect
for the natural forces turned into resentment & anger.
Ageing & death, now synonymous for pain & dispair, became our archenemy
and has been excessively used to terrorize people into submission.
Controlling our interpersonal communication, limiting, restraining & censoring the flow of information
appeared to be the way into the collective mind, the key to public perception & opinion.
This opened ‘Pandoras Box‘ , and all the Gods blessings – our common sense – left us;
– just leaving a ‘hope-for-better-days‘ behind.
The art of social-emotional- and lateral-communication gave way to hierarchical report & command,
where our ‘response-ability’ was reduced to a compliance with the ethics– & ‘authorities-of-the-day’,
– responsibility became an act of duty & obedience.
Restricting & corrupting the free flow of information, in complete dissonance with
the Dynamic & Flux of Life [21], has now systematically dismantled any reciprocal relationship
with our environment and severed all kinds of interspecies communications.
Opposing the ecological balance or deviating from the natural equilibrium
has not just poisoned our environment but made our entire species
mentally & physically sick and neurologically unfit for this ecosystem.
And as thoughts & knowledge became intellectual property,
scholastic & academic research followed suit.
This corruption of our minds has affected all levels of analytical & creative thinking.
Now we are unable to see the ‘ecodynamic’ entanglements
nor do we sense our obvious interrelationship with the whole.
As we struggle with our emotions and relationships our common affairs become unmanageable.
We can not read the writings on the wall
and don’t understand the signs of the times.
x x Now it is just us AGAINST the rest of the world; xx
xxxxxxxxxx– and nature is just responding ! xxxxxxxxx
evolutionary – interventions
Signalling, understanding & corresponding are terms of communication.
Communication is never a singular event or phenomenon, it comprises a multitude
of concurring interactions & feedbacks in a co-occurrence network or community.
In fact, the constant flow & exchange of information, including all the electrochemical
or neurological processes in & between organisms constitutes the Synergy of Life.
By ‘reading’ signs & signals the individual collects information from the past & present.
Sharing, comparing & reflecting these data with other members of the community initiates
the analytical & cognitive processes that made our species so successful & sapient.
Network communication and collective collaboration
always generates the emergence of something
more synergetic & wholesome than just the sum of its parts.
These neural processes give us perception, reasoning and common sense, they coordinate
not only our movements & behaviour but also all our interactions with the environment.
And this is where we went wrong.
The anthropocentric nature of the linear, hierarchic belief system corrupted our thinking,
infested our minds, and debilitated our social-emotional intellect.
Like a mental virus or meme, this social-emotional discomposition or disease has now spread
horizontally throughout the population and vertically up & down the generations.
From spirituality, politics & economics to education, science & healthcare, all aspects of life
are affected by such cognitive, intellectual & emotional dissonance & deficiency.
In this interconnected world where our lives are not only intertwined with 8 billion other human beings,
but also completely entangled with the rest of this global environment. Our mental & emotional health affects
more or less all bio-physical & chemical processes & systems on this planet.
All communication networks and interspecies interactions,
especially the natural correspondence with our environment,
have been systematically sabotaged, falsified or dismantled,
all with devastating consequences for societies & habitats.
The systemic communication breakdown caused widespread social disintegration
and affected all correlated & corresponding micro– & macro-organisms coequally.
This monocultural self-segregation from the natural dynamic & synergy of life
incited a human exceptionalism [22] that has dominated all our philosophies & ethics, ever since.
The deliberate disruption of the flow or flux of life has not only arrested
our socio-psychological development but also damaged our cognitive functions
and our abilities to interact & communicate with our environment in a sensible way.
When our leaders – the intelligentsia, academics & scholars of society – began to neglect the collective
and focused on the ‘Bettering of the Self’ exclusively, we got our heroes & idols but started to lose
the multi-perspectivety of our common sense; we began to lose all those social abilities
that made our species such a successful cocreator & collaborator.
Our enginuety was so absorbed by the growth & advancements of the human virtues [23]
that our ‘vision‘ got shortsighted and blurry around the edges.
Now we have lost sight of the contextual complexity of things.
Collectively we have numbed our senses, are emotionally unable to comprehend
all the affinities, interrelations & entanglements that transcend us
beyond space & time and that keep the Whole together, balanced & healthy.
And just as ‘keeping your eyes on the prize‘ can be deceptive,
so have our experts & specialist ‘missed the forest for all those trees‘…
Since everything is connected to something
and therefore interrelated to everything else,
– the indoctrination of our socio-psychological mindset devastated all our mental & physical preconditions
and replaced them with a new kind, or rather artificial mentality that generated enormous
social-emotional distress and additional psychosomatic infirmities.
Dissipating mental immunity together with a diminishing common sense had a very tangible but rather
devastating effect on our mental & physical health that caused a lot of systemic social misconduct,
and widespread environmental misbehaviour.
With his toxic mentality we ‘poisoned’ everything from emotions, ethics & perception
to rationalization & justification, we polluted our habitat and ourselves
with the ideas & beliefs that everything was created for our disposal and that we deserve endless
credit with the ‘Almighty’ as long as we follow His One-and-Only Order-of-Things,
Now, a word regarding our analytical thinking and the scientific methods:
With all this in mind, we developed a ‘moral agency‘, the ‘high grounds’ that put us on top of
the food chain and justifies the rights of appropriation & domination from the top down.
All our anthropocentric behaviour is based on the notion of divine entitlements
where intellectual rights and proprietorships have created extra liabilities, prohibitions
and access restrictions for the less fortunate, have-nots & trespassers of society.
The Mosaic, monotheistic experiment, to ‘re-engineer’ a foraging & sharing community into
an agricultural society, caused great social-economic inequalities & discord that has lead
to endless warfare among the people, and created constant hostilities towards all ‘OTHERS’.
With growing eco-logical & cognitive dissonance, a grotesque form of eco-nomic thinking emerged,
something where wealth, power & control became the motivator & stimulus for the new,
consumeristic & acquisitive societies.
Life in a hierarchically stratified society is a race to the top at best,
and a brutal struggle for survival for the most part.
The systematic social-emotional detachment from our own kind, combined with the dissociation [24]
from the environmental realities triggered a multitude of defence mechanisms in the individual
and so with generated multiple cognitive & neurological dysfunctions in the population.
From compartmentalization [25], rationalization & repression to projection & denial,
all these psychological processes have affected our overall physical or somatic well-being
more than we are willing to admit, but are evidently reflected in our behaviour & intersubjectivity.
War & domestic violence, all kinds of abuse & discrimination,
forced displacement & homelessness, poverty & famine
did not just traumatize our ancestors
but also shaped the socio-economic development
of our species more than we dare to see.
And then there is the epigenetic or transgenerational transmission of distress & trauma.
Like a viral infection, these collective traumatizations [26] are carried-over
and passed down from generation to generation.
In the ‘Wisdom of Trauma‘, Dr. Gabor Maté shares a new vision: A trauma-informed society in which parents, teachers, physicians, policy-makers and legal personnel are not concerned with fixing behaviours, making diagnoses, suppressing symptoms or judgment, but seek instead to understand the sources from which troubling behaviours and diseases spring in the wounded human soul. He points us to a path of individual & collective healing.
The fact is, that despite all our technological advancements we have never been able to overcome
our social-economic incongruities or even recognize the severity of our environmental transgressions.
On the contrary, technology & population have totally outgrown all our physical & mental capacities,
all common sense is in disarray, and our intellectual incompetence is repeating
the old mistakes over & over again.
The monocultural belief system is rather preoccupied & obsessed with singularity & uniqueness
then it is interested in communality or considerate of interrelations & complexity.
All postulates or assumptions of the linear, hierarchic world-order or paradigm are rather structured
on inequality & differences than on diversity tolerance & acceptance.
Consequently, almost all our evaluations, justifications & comparisons are done in accordance with
the mental representation & apperception of our current archetypal world-view.
By just gauging, isolating & classifying a phenomenon, our critical & analytical thinking or ‘scientific research’
is missing many correlations, entanglements [27] and the countless, coincidental effects of the Whole.
This belief system, anthropocentric at its core, perceives diseases, viruses & bacteria
as antagonists and a great threat to everything we have declared life-worthy.
Mentally still stuck in the darkest of ages, unable to control our amygdala
or even manage our Emotional Intelligence [28], our fight, flight or freeze-mode kicks-in
and we continue to act like imbeciles.
The frantic mob of a degenerated society is on a constant warpath,
always desperate to fight FOR or AGAINST something,
from God & fatherland to bacteria & diseases,
from rights & freedom to insects & chaos,
nothing is exempt.
From herbicides, pesticides & fungicides
to chemotherapies, antibiotics & antiviral-vaccines.
From nuclear bombs, hypersonic-missiles & killer-drones
to the war-on-terror & drugs, to trade embargos or economic sanctions.
In one way or the other, all our lives revolve around some sort of fighting;
The evil enemy, the most lucrative invention of the sick-minded.
…and there we go,
approaching Life,
wear a …
Covid-19 vs. Healthcare,
an abstract construct of anthropocentric ethics.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvs. Environmental Ethics ?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
All those historic and actual incomprehensions & misconceptions have left their mark
on our so-called ‘healthcare systems’.
Since most of our correlations & cooperations became subject to profitability,
and our socio-economic stratifications [29] imposed their ranking systems on science & education,
most of our authorized research & developments got compromised
and thus warped all that knowledge & expertise into implicit & cognitive bias !
And the in-group ~ out-group-bias of our ‘social’ networks just amplifies
our contempt towards all Others and/or loudens our anthropocentric self-pity.
Privatized skills, knowledge & education,
just shared or traded among the privileged & qualified,
can only have a self-deceiving effect on society.
When we repudiate collectivity as a fundamental human condition
and dismiss equality & common ground as folklore
or deemed it rebellious & offensive against the divine order-of-the-day,
we infused our science with bigotry.
Translating this mindset into medicine or healthcare, we rather find a bunch
of ‘sickening’ institutions than comforting or healing solutions.
Here we have rivalling universities, contesting faculties, and viciously competing
pharmaceutical corporations,- the demise of any honest health care.
As people are appealing to an almighty God and/or the ‘authority’ of Science, they are just
clinging to the propaganda of faith & hope that has saturated all aspects of our lives.
A dogmatically driven and uncontrolled population growth is not only responsible for increasing political discord
and environmental degradation but is also putting the individual into constant social-economic distress.
Centuries of traumatization & distress have transformed our social & caring species
into a bunch of ignorant, violent & sociopathic sickos.
With our mental & emotional health deteriorating and our environmental & ecological sensibilities dissipating,
we are no longer able to maintain healthy relationships or act environmentally responsible.
That’s where we ravage, abuse & exploit, not only men & planet but Life itself.
Overwhelmed & exhausted by exponential growth & expansion, we are looking for comfort & solace
in anachronistic beliefs and outdated philosophies. We are seeking answers in science & technology,
all without changing or correcting the underlying & fundamental paradigmata & criteria.
We got stuck in a vicious cycle of moving faster & faster
by ‘cutting corners’ and avoiding ‘expensive’,
time-consuming diligence;
– and Slow Thinking became less & less popular.
Then, after each crash,
our obsession with growing bigger & ‘better’ continues,
we are looking for more profits by avoiding sustainable quality
and circumventing in-depth verifications.
The results are shortsighted, insufficient & mediocre at best.
As it is absurd to think that our insane financial debt can ever be ‘paid off’,
so is a redemption of our environmental, ecological or climate debt
just another delusional concept of our psychotic mindset.
… but Nature ‘ticks’ differently.
Real, organic Life is a concerted effort,
always moving towards the equilibrium,
where all acting influences & forces are reciprocated & counterbalanced,
all ecosystems are constantly adjusting & restabilizing their motion,
evolving in dynamic conservatism.
XXXxxxx From ‘Conservation’ in psychology to the conservation of energy. xxxxXXX
Don’t forget that in real Life nothing get’s lost,
everything is converted, transformed & recycled.
But still, we believe in an End,
we assume that we can make things vanish or disappear for good.
We eliminate filth, kill weed and destroy our enemies,
we fight disorder & diseases, – be it cancer or
Here & Now at the Nexus of a viral disease,
enormous ecological distress and faltering healthcare systems,
the social-emotional deficiencies of our intelligence become obvious
and our lack of social-economic cohesion
is just mind-boggling.
The oldest kind of empathy is contagious fear,
widely used in psychological warfare and marketing,
this panic virus has plagued & traumatized us for generations !
If our social-emotional-intelligence would have been still intact,
we could have seen ‘the writings on the wall’ a long time ago,
but in our anthropocentric hubris, we ignored the warning signs,
chose not to listen to the voices of reason and are now surprised by
the relentless repercussions of our abused & overcrowded planet.
Even the smartest of the smart, our ‘leaders’ & experts of society are unable
to comprehend the multifariousness & complexity of Mother Nature’s consequential response.
to the transmission and reception of all kinds of information, that includes synaptic neurotransmission,
mycorrhizal networks, interspecies communication (Communication in Fungi) and the acclaimed
correspondence of messenger RNA in gene expression with the transcription and translation into proteins.
Communication, or the exchange of information,
is the engine of life, constantly transcribing one ‘thing’ into another,
interconnecting the unique & singular ‘one-of-a-kind’ with the collective ensemble,
always striving to improve & complete the whole,
the common Oneness of the network.
The infinite complexity of the whole is incomprehensible to the individual
and can only be sensed or experienced on the empathetic level
of our social-emotional intellect.
Obsessed with Bigger-Better-More, we left reality & community behind,
began to fight for places & spaces and entered a race against time;
– and Nothing could keep up with our speedy development.
Oblivious of context & consequences, with all ‘eyes on the prize‘, we developed a moronic & deceptive believe
in a ‘divine‘ immunity that exempts us from the responsibilities & obligations towards Life & Ecosphere.
Social-emotionally debilitated and physically exhausted, we were completely unprepared
for the ecological changes when the age of ‘restitution‘ finally arrived.
As a growing number of people is still struggling with the burden of social-, racial- and gender inequalities,
and most basic religious, political & economic issues have yet to be worked out, nobody has a clue
how to create or phylogenetically ‘reverse-engineer‘ the communality that was, and still is,
so essential in the evolution of our species.[30]
The complexities & intricacies of Nature’s communiqués are just obscure
and incomprehensible phenomena to our widely incongruous mindset.
Social-emotionally ‘degenerated’[31], metacognitive impaired and unable to find a ‘Modus Vivendi‘,
our species is helplessly incompetent to respond in a sensible & prudent manner.
When even our academics and scientific communities are too complacent to find some kind of consensus and
remain incapable to recover their sapience, how can we come together, congregate as brothers & sisters,
confederate as a human nation, and face the environmental challenges as a species ?
Instead, our confusion, disarray & distress is growing by the day,
people are seeking comfort in self-indulgence & intoxication,
all our hope turns into ashes,
wisdom is washed away by the algorithms of our artificial ‘intelligence’,
and the delusions of an anthropocentric world govern our lives.
Of course, this anthropocentric experiment turned into an incredible ignorance
that has left behind a trail of destruction & despair.
That has not only mutilated & poisoned our habitat with devastating & cascading effects
on our mental and physical health, but also inflicted significant alterations & damages
to our analytical & scientific thinking. [32]
The abject Failure of Anthropocentrism
Thus far, our ‘authorized’ Science has provided
just misinterpretations of the natural Dynamic in Life !
Together with all those socio-ecological misconceptions-gone-viral, and their inherently toxic combination with
all kinds of environmental pollution have caused extensive neurological damages to our neuromodulatory systems,
neuroplasticity[33] and cognitive functions.
These intellectual & emotional malfunctions lead to cataclysmic failures on all levels of communication.
Those precepts sabotaged, disrupted or destroyed more than just our social-emotional networks and
environmental interrelations, they correspondingly debilitated our mental & physical immune systems;
~ where ‘mental immunity’ comes from awareness, vigilance, circumspection, foresight, anticipation,
provision & prevention, the sapience or wisdom that has propelled us ahead for millenniums before
we exchanged it for the ‘cheap’ hope & expectation of commercialized life .
That brings us to the function of Immune Systems,
our health care for 8 billion people, and the scientific research
in a time of mental pandemics & viral infections.
Immediately a simple question arises:
The smart, eco-dynamic composition of nature is very flexible, benignant & adaptive, but if the integrity
of its economic equilibrium is threatened, the planetary ecological immune system gets activated.
For our decomposing intellect, compromised by dilettante economics and a disintegrating scientific
comprehension, only technology & money – mostly Fiat Money – are left to answer ‘nature’s call’,
a real shitstorm event where good advice becomes expensive $
And here we are, a neurologically polluted and psychosomatically impaired species,
heavily invested in its systemic struggle for equal rights & spatial entitlements
and still stuck in the territorial & ideological fighting & warfare of the Bronze Age.
With our social-emotional-intelligence and our common sense mutilated beyond recognition,
we don’t even have the collective agency[34] to conspire,
we’re missing the sociopsychological means to overcome social, racial & gender inequalities,
and after all, we are unable to lay down our religious & ideological differences.
We can still not find consensus among our families & friends, we are too ill-educated
to collaborate as a nation and too immature to cooperate as the United Nations of mankind.
Our senseless & irresponsible behaviour has harmed our environment & habitat, caused instability
and distress, and is now incapable to respond or even understand the magnitude of the situation.
With all our socio-economic systems failing,
the people physically & mentally polluted & ailing,
our common psychoneuroimmunity is collapsing;
And all our leaders & experts have to offer, is promises & hope,
more prayers, painkillers and some real estate on Mars.
… and mass psychosis is on the rise >
The biased perception of anthropocentrism with its immature & monomaniacal personality cult has crippled
our collective agency and provided us with nothing but false conceptions about our commonality,
ecological interrelations and biological coefficiencies.
Our species is now utterly incompetent, mentally & physically incapable
to forge the necessary collaborations,
and unable to form a collective response
to the environmental challenges of this planet.
Any common sense or analytical thinking is drowning
in the deafening noise of ‘social media’ & ‘entertainment’.
After ignoring & dismissing Nature’s messages for centuries
we have now entered an era where Ecological Intelligence
gets ‘Lost in Translation’ !
The Complexity of the Eco-dynamic Entanglements
is utterly bewildering, greatly mystifying
or completely incomprehensible to our mindset.
Now that our lives are defined by Egocentrism,
and our activities characterized by Anthropocentrism,
our relationship to Life & Natur just became
one big misunderstanding.
Economic idiocy & incompetence, plus the complete failure of our spiritual, political & academic
authorities or leadership are the sole reason for the nemesis of our species.
These sociopaths, oligarchs and other intellectually ‘degenerated’ of society are in charge now;
– they make promising predictions and keep us occupied, calm & distracted
with lots of startling ‘answers, remedies & solutions’.
xxx Their equities & profits always come before the quality of our water, air & soil ! xxx
xx Pollution? xx
Still, the catchphrase remains:
A Pandemia of Incognizance
has corrupted our entire civilized thinking,
traumatized us collectively by separating us from our environment and ‘true’ Nature;
This is where the ‘Other Side’, the opposite & unknown, became a threat, an antagonist or enemy,
the stress-factor that always creates more enemies, disorders & diseases..,
~ all leaving us with just one way of response – fight-or-flight.
xxx ( Not a very creative solution for a Homo Sapiens or the man-of-wisdom !) xxx
And that’s where we are at, in our ‘conversation’ with our own kind, our environment and Life itself.
Our response to addiction, mental health and other diseases as well as global warming,
habitat destruction & political conflicts haven’t been very innovative so far;
we usually act heavy-handedly, shoot first, ask questions later, or not at all.
Just when it’s too late we get resentful, angry or frustrated, we panic, overreact or give up in regret;
in the end, we feel depressed & indifferent or become apathetically hedonistic.
In the name of economic progress, we have weaponized every natural resource & phenomenon
we could lay hands on. From genocide to geocide, from biological & herbicidal warfare to sieges,
embargos & prohibitions, our entire population is in a constant fight, for or against something or somebody.
Here we have the 4 pillars of our civilization, the Military-Industrial Complex, the Media & Entertainment Industry,
Food-Production & Resources, and Healthcare & Education, all engaged in endless warfare against
the natural dynamic of life. This is how we grew up, this is what we learned and what we are conditioned for:
xx xxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx – always-me or us-first, against all odds of life.
Despite all our ‘knowledge’ and the great technologies we possess, death & diseases remain
the most feared odds and continue to drive – even the smartest of us – literally crazy.
Blinded by this madness, we rather poisoned our habitat and polluted water, air & soil
with all kinds of neurotoxins than to admit an epic failure of our anthropocentric intellect.
Instead, we continued to believe in our divine entitlements and basked in the delusional glory
of technological success; We missed seeing the environmental devastation we caused,
and became oblivious of the damages to our psychosomatic metabolisms & immune systems.
With growing social & environmental estrangement, humanity has lost its greatest asset,
the sense of communality & belonging; the uprooted & traumatized individual replaced its
last little freedom & agency with artificial structures.[35]
Only an Abated Intelligence requires the Artificial Intelligence
of Transhumanism to make it through the day.
Our species became the pariah of its ecosystem !
Numbed & dumbed by cognitive burnout, the infamous sermon of economics and the rhetoric of science,
we lost sight of nature’s complexity and our entanglements with the cloud networks of life.
From the elephants, rhinos & big cats in Africa to the buffalos in North America, from wales, turtles & corals
to birds & insects, we ‘hunted’ them down with scientific expertise and technological proficiency.
With bulldozers & guns, insecticides & pesticides we cleansed our planet from all this ‘beasty stuff’
and detestable ‘nuisance’, everything else was there for us to exploit or abuse !
The reckless profiteering of our parasitic‘economies‘ has plagued our planet for ages and ruined
the health of our common habitat. Any biotic attempt to restore the ecologic wellbeing did nothing more
than provoke our weaponization of the evolutionary forces such as bacteria, viruses & fungi,
and so force never got further than flooding us with antibiotics and mass-vaccinations.
This fundamentally disrespectful approach is not just coming back to haunt us, it is the consequential
response to our actions. All attempts to conceal, absolve or whitewash our contemptuous behaviour by
calling it ‘climate change‘ is absolute nonsense, just showing an imbecilic, ecologic understanding
that can only lead to more economic blunders.
Making up bills without consulting the host still remains foolish accounting.
With all these mental & physical preconditions, we stand no chance to weather the ‘wrath’ of nature;
XXXX X – at least, not on this level of thinking ! xxxXxxxx
Our inadequate or absent Social-Emotional-Intelligence is unable to develop the common sense or even form
the collective comprehension that is necessary to grasp the profoundness and complexity of the eco-dynamic.
All the ecologic disharmonies & infirmities would require a much more collective ‘modus operandi’ with
a well-developed ecological sense, something we dismissed long time ago.
Ending this Covid-19 pandemic does not mean ending all viral, bacterial or fungal-infections and with it
the course of evolution. We might be able to learn from the causes and change the circumstances,
but Life will go on and restore the ecological balance, with or without our ‘blessings’.
It is 00:12 after midnight on the ‘doomsday clock‘,
clearly past & over the wave crest of human transgression.
There’s no Reset Button in Nature !
It’s time to collect our sapience, reignite our ‘Longing for Wisdom’
by finding the eusociality in our Generational Intelligence,[36] then join our talents
and begin to collaborate with the EcoDynamic synergy of factual life,
– better sooner than later !
Any way we look at it, we arrived at the End of the Line,
opened the last ‘chapter’ of anthropocentric history,
something nobody wants to hear or read.
Unless we rehabilitate our common sense
and de-anthropocentralize our thinking,
we are stuck in this false socio-economic narrative.
xxx Marshall Sahlins – ‘Stone Age Economics’ xxx
Unless we redefine the common place
and our relationship to the collective
we won’t be able to respond to the ecological challenges
in a sensible and sustainable way.
Some of us might buy themselves some time
by plugging some holes, here or there with hope,
but the rest of us will descend
into the absurdity of their own mayhem.
For those who have realized & belief that there’s no turning back in reality, and for the few
who are able to sense or even understand the depth of discordance with our environment,
the ‘Next Chapter’ needs be ‘written’ into the wind, the water and the sand of our ecosystem;
the ecological dynamic of its narrative has to be less linear, theorizing & deceptive
than the last ones, so it can ‘transcribe’ our lives into the common.
Backtracking & analyzing the origins will help us
to see where we’ve positioned ourselves right here & now.
By understand how our ‘syllables’ fit into the tapestry
of our common history & evolution,
we break through to the ‘Other Side’.
Only a nonlinear, more dynamic approach, a Philosophy-in-Motion,
can provide the perceptual changes that are necessary to
adjust our interrelationship with the socio-ecological landscape of today,
and give us a psychological or social-emotional continuance.
This is where we reached another juncture in linearity !
Another chance to branch-out and choose our way :
one way
Mental epidemics in a time of viral infections
the other
The Next, – let’s see the writing on the wall and …
we continue our discourse with a look into a more co-productive,
eco-dynamic way of thinking, a more interdisciplinary scientific method. [37]
The ‘survival’ of humanity, or better, our human spirit,
depends on the rehabilitation of our common sense
and our ability to De-Anthropocentralize our thinking.
(Yes, there is a spiritual aspect to all of this !)
To co-create and collectively marshal
the complex & fluent solutions,
it is necessary, not only to change
our entire anthropocentric ethics,
including our definitions of health, [38]
but also to transcend ‘Our‘ Life
into the Communality of Nature.
All our current methods are failing,
the socio-economic models seem to be inadequate,
scientific research has lost touch with reality
and there’s hardly any healthy organism around.
A complete systemic breakdown with no way out,
at least not on this level of consciousness,
just a Dead End and the Hope for better days;
Unfortunately, our anthropocentric, linear approach to consciousness has confused our thinking tremendously.
Too often consciousness is perceived as a human trait or property, something that can be attained or obtained
by an individual, rather than being a correspondent of the collective that interrelates the one with the common.
This misconception feeds the perceptual biases of a dualistic worldview that not only discriminates
between the conscious & unconscious but also constructs all those hierarchical socio-economic schemes
that continue to violate the eco-dynamic balance of our habitat.
We should ask ourselves:
what would Nature do to correct the course of evolution,
to restore the equilibrium of this biosphere ?
Nature has taught us everything there’s to know on this planet,
still, we couldn’t read nor understand the warning signs.
How ‘illiterate’ have we become !
From Homo Sapiens to Homo Insipiens in a few millennia !
How can we respond
to the impending demise of the anthropocentric culture
or even the extinction of our human species
in an intelligent and sensible way
without losing our mind ?
It is senseless to regurgitate the outdated philosophies & belief-systems
that got us into this predicament in the first place.
What we need is a new, interdisciplinary, more eco-dynamic, wHolistic approach
that commences at the philosophic-linguistic level of communication
when we De-Anthropocentralize our Self
and Re-Communize ourselves with the Common.
Most people forget that intelligence, consciousness & perception are inseparable
and emanate from collective consciousness & perception. [39]
The linear, hierarchic mono-cultures of anthropocentrism, not only ruined our Selves and our habitat
but also profoundly & deleteriously affected our relationship to life.
Since our enculturation & socialization are the essence of language & communication,
a paradigm shift or ‘Revolution in the Way we Think’, – as Kant called it,
will emerge from perceptual changes and their ‘transcription’ into linguistic semantics. [40]
To reflect and to be true to the eco-dynamic,
transformational changes of a ‘Philosophy-in-Motion’,
our ‘Next Chapter‘ has to be penned & composed
on a ‘different level’ of thinking,
in a mindfulness that adds an extra key
to the common orchestration;
Non-linear, wholistic & contemplative in character,
all content rhymes with Organic, Dynamic & Synergetic,
and provides an adequate literacy for networking,
team effort and collective thinking.
Anthropocentrism is much more than just a misconceived perception [41]
There are many levels above, beneath & beyond the familiar ‘terrain’.xx
At the core of our social-economic misconceptions, we find grave ecological misconstrusions,
countless misapprehensions about our environmental relationships
and tremendous emotional incompetence among the people.
The incalculable ‘Chaos‘ of Life requires
a much more comprehensive guidance system,
a more organic ‘Modus Operandi’
that is complementary to the
multifariousness & dynamic of reality.
Navigating a ‘Jungle’ of this complexity
needs a new type of ‘Roadmap’
and a different kind of ‘Compass‘
that is moved by ‘Compassion‘
and Social-Emotional-Intelligence.
Embarking upon the revival & healing of our social-emotional-intelligence,
reentering a Life that is rather about Being than Having,
the ‘Next Chapter‘ takes a new, non-linear approach,
Since all issues are somewhere connected or somehow entangled,
the answers require a multifarious, non-discriminatory approach,
need a new, more dynamic way of discourse & communication
that considers & amalgamates all social, emotional & economic particulars
and reflects the fluency in ecologic solutions.
Other than the hierarchical models of Social Darwinism,
the evolutionary importance of variability, assimilation & innovation
is rather suggesting horizontal cooperation as the basis of
phenotypic plasticity, transformation & adaptation.
The new way of thinking:
First we need to heal, mend or reboot our:
social-economic – literacy & skill,
emotional – maturety & competence,
intellectual – profoundness & plasticity,
– in all their dynamic & complexity !
Humanity has proven that it can change the human condition, transcend itself into the NEXT,
a post-humanity that continues to exist in harmony & consonance with life.
Our species is able to sensuously resonate, communicate, and interact with nature in its entire complexity.
We don’t need to be scientists or ‘highly educated’ beings to sense excessive forces
or recognize oppressive & inappropriate behaviour, the remnants of an innate & collective ethics
are still enabling us to distinguish appropriate from incongruous behaviour.
Our ‘Oneness‘ with Life is always a collective experience
But since people got stripped of their agency, or ceded control of themself to forces beyond their own self,
they feel isolated, abandoned & lonely at best, which in return brings on emotions of inferiority,
resentment & frustration with a strong longing for ‘caring leadership‘. [41]
This kind of ‘noble’ leadership has constructed an ideology that defines who & what we are,
and comes with a ‘care ethics’, a systemic inversion of values that transform
our impotence, inferiority & submission into virtue, identity & accomplishment;
xxx– with Fear/Hope being the great emotional influencer & manipulator.xxxx
Centuries of socio-economic engineering and ideological manipulation of our collective consciousness & perception
has completely dismantled our social-emotional intellect, impaired all our social-psychological skills
and severely corrupted any group dynamics & social cohesion still around. [42]
This ‘Great Human Experiment’[43] has created a reductionist thinking [44]
with a ‘constructed‘, perceptual view of life & environment that rather resembles a collective delusion
than a shared, collective perception that could help the community to understand the ‘bigger picture’. [45]
Since consciousness only exists within the context of a collective-ecological consciousness,
it would only makes sense to shift from an individual, monological perception to a dialogical, [46]
a more dynamic, multiperspective approach to the multidimensional complexity of life.

To evolve out of our intellectually inadequate traditions and adjust our outdated scientific methods accordingly,
we need to tap into and reintegrate the synergetic richness of common knowledge;
that’s where we can freely contribute, correlate & correspond to our multiple perceptions.
Six blind men and the ‘elephant’ truth.
All the senseless marginalizations of our bogus economy have corrupted
not only our scientific methods but our entire analytic thinking.
When the monotheistic ideas of divine rights & ownership seized our collective conscience,
we began to abandon the ecologic dynamic of the commonplace,
and resigned from the inherently communal nature of our species.
With the manifestation of monocultural values and the ridiculous ideas of proprietorship
came enormous alterations to ethics, meaning & reason.
All these anthropocentric ideas & assertions that put humanity in charge of the world,
with all their divine stratifications & segregations along the line of haves and have-nots,
became now the fundamental axioms and defining principles of our analytical & critical thinking.
Now this mindset has corrupted our entire intellectual disposition.
From philosophic & psychological schools to religious & political ideologies,
they are all ‘kept in line’ to act as mental ‘blinders’; like a sophisticated plot,
all designed to keep our ‘eyes on the price’ and to be ‘focused’ on the ‘bottom line’, the ‘final reward’.
Our minds are completely occupied & dominated by this easily refutable, economic nonsense;
the ‘divine’ scheme that contaminates all things we do, corrupts all our intentions & executions
with promises of more entitlements, profitabilities and other enrichments.
The dismantling of our Social-Emotional Intelligence and its collective consciousness,
was followed by the systematic corruption of language & education, [47]
malignantly designed to pillage the earth and dismember her communities.
New definitions, values & applications changed everything from meaning to reason,
from conservatism &economy to communion & re–public; – you & me became something completely different.
When religious dogmata repressed spirituality,
anything resembling real economics
dissipated with the disappearance of the last indiginous communities.
Knowledge, skill & competence became intellectual properties, formed tradable commodities
that can be bought or sold, not only throughout the global marketplaces
but all across our educational institutions, social services and healthcare systems.
This privatization of the public domain – separating & dividing ‘everything known to man’,
consolidated the laws-of-possession in some absurd economic ethics that is
ignoring & violating all organic fluidity & dynamics in life.
This anthropocentric, economic thinking
with all its contrived rules & regulations,
its artificial restrictions & commands,
has caused unsurmountable differences
among the people,
extensive quarrelling between the nations
and senseless acts of war against
the ecological integrity of our planet.[48]
Now that we have weaponized our entire critical thinking and everything from knowledge to scientific research
is occupied by some kind of fighting for survival, we reached the end of our story,
our history where there’s nothing left but a destroyed environment,
a constant fighting with the consequences of our misconceptions,
and an increasing struggle with our Selves and our very own ‘brain-children’.
These anthropocentric biases have contaminated our mental capacities,
transformed us into a species of sociopaths by depriving us of our social-emotional sapience,
and compromised our entire psychosomatic makeup.
The ensued mental & physical impairments caused serious misunderstandings & misinterpretations
of the more complex, environmental concepts & structures, rendering us ecologically incompetent
to respond to the profound, evolutionary changes ahead.
With our discriminating & categorizing perception, we concentrate on details
and respond to isolated ‘events’ in a very restrictive way; Inductive or deductive reasoning,
which is so typical of our linear, hierarchical predisposition, reveals nothing more
than what the infirmities of our anthropocentric minds have concealed from us so far.
The concept of separate entities contradicts anything & everything there is in real life.
From submicroscopic viruses to whales and the armillaria ostoyae, the largest organism on this planet,
all things are related and interconnected; complexity can not be broken down
into manageable chunks without losing perspective & comprehension.
So, when we intellectually separate symptoms from causes, one event from the other or the here & now
from the past & history, we deliberately ignore, disregard or contradict all ecological realities
and end up in a ‘fool’s paradise’ of economic delusion.
All our bodily functions, from the integumentary-, muscular– & cardiovascular-system to the digestive-,
endocrine– & lymphatic-system etc., are inseparable from our nervous-system, our immunity
and the overall health of our families, communities – AND OUR ENVIRONMENT !
This collective functionality of our Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immune or P.N.E.I – System extends far into
our mental & emotional well-being [49], and in its psychobiological complexity is designed
to maintain the socio-ecological, (homeostatic) equilibrium with our environment.
But, even being the most important component or facilitator of our social & environmental interrelationship,
it is still one of the most neglected issues in technological and scientific research & development.
Without our Social-Emotional-Intelligence and the healthy functionality of our P.N.E.I.,
all our intellectual capacities are either poisoned by economic nonsense or contaminated with
anthropocentric imperatives and unable to cope with the detrimental consequences of our ecological rampage.
Not only did we lose sight of the ‘Big Picture’ and our comprehension of the whole,
but we are no longer able to feel a communion with our environment
or have a sense of the greater correlations & entanglements in life.
… and with our impaired cognitive functionality, we continue
to repeat the same old mistakes over and over again …
A more perceptive observer can sense that our social-emotional interconnectivities are warn apart,
our communication networks are corrupted or deficient on all levels of conjunction,
and our entire relationship with the organic webwork of life is profoundly disrupted or utterly dysfunctional.
Hope is a potent but highly addictive ‘potion’ of abstraction !
Mentally & emotionally very contagious,
and in combination with anthropocentrism,
Hope is now endemic to our species.
The concept of Hope is an integral part of anthropocentric monotheism,
is a linear construct around the idea of a life restricted by Beginnings & Ends;
Hope is a social-emotionally reengineered belief system that supports a hierarchic order
where it is up to the individual to work or fight its way out of the misery in the Here & Now.
Creating the ‘Garden Eden’ and then denying free access to the paradisic abundance of nature
evoked a deep desire for a return or reunification with the ‘rest of creation’;
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x – Religion from religare: re (again) + ligare (bind or connect)
The spiritual disconnection from the eco-dynamic synergy of our natural environment
has caused immense cognitive & emotional distress & imbalances.
This ‘birth’ or primal trauma of the Abrahamic religions had a profound effect on our perceptual experience [50]
and altered our relationship to life & environment fundamentally::
x ~ Abandoned and thrusted into a life we did not choose,
x ~ entrapped in the time & space of a hostile environment,
x ~ with a constant desire to struggle our way out of this Here & Now;
Since then we are always looking for a ‘greener’ pastures on the other side of the fence,
for some kind of Salvation or Afterlife beyond the boundaries of the linear, hierarchic construct.
Beginning & End, the Last & the Final are linear, anthropocentric concepts
that permeate all our thinking and became the measure of all our things.
These anthropocentric presumptions became the governing apperception of our philosophies & ideologies;
that’s where prohibitory biases have not only contrived a consciousness that systematically ignores
the mutuality & collectivity of con–science, but also turned aspirations, faith & optimism into hope. [51]
Here a Hope-make-Belief syndrome has corrupted or replaced
the entire spiritual & philosophical integrity of our sapience.
Now, all our socio-economic concepts and scientific theories,
together with its belief systems and insensate philosophies
contradict all ecological & spiritual realities.
The longing for a better tomorrow, to have more of the ‘good stuff’ in the future
is fueled by a demonization of nature, the discreditation of the eco-dynamic in life
and a great disrespect for the ‘uncultivated’ wilderness or common places.
Hopeful thinking and throwing money at the problems is just another band-aid,
confuses the issues, perpetuates the dire situation
and is completely unintelligent – at best.
Obviously, we believe more than we know;
We believe that knowledge is an economic factor, a comodity that can be accumulated,
taken or traded until it’s lost, stolen or even weaponized.
Thats where we have copyright infringements, plagiarism and cultural appropriation,
where we keep our judicial systems busy, make shure ‘there’s no free lunch’
and that the wealth of creativity & proficiency stays with the powerful & reckless.
But then, when it comes to happiness or the freedom-of-contentment,
all our ‘know-how’ ends abruptly and falls back into some outdated,
often absurd belief system or propositional attitude;
postulates & dogmata that lack all ecological relevance
and fail to recognize our dynamic relationship to environment & Philosophy.
This systemic ignorance or agnotology has created an ecologically completely delusional
‘world economy’ that is based on some ill-conceived reality with an unwavering,
linear-hierarchic world order; – Now a socio-ecological desease that has taken
all sapience out of our species and left us with nothing but an unbearable, environmental liability.
xx…we haven’t even realized where all our wealth comes from !? xx
This sapience or wisdom is just making knowledge relevant
by placing all we know into its larger, eco-dynamic context.
Without this Love-for-Wisdom or an active philosophical thinking, we are just imbeciles
roaming the planet doing more harm than good to ourselves & our habitat.
Since our hierarchical stratifications ranked natural philosophy[52] below or outside the disciplines
of ‘modern’ science, but elevated pseudo-economics into a scientific authority,
we have less time & room for philosophical thinking; we gave up on relevance & context of knowledge,
all socio-ecologic implications & consequences yielded to the purpose of making a profit.
Now, Philosophy is a subordinated study,
assigned to various religious practices, spiritual theories & beliefs,
or just relegated to the arts.
The problems we are facing today can not be solved financially, technologically
or with the attitude of our current, socio-economic thinking, especially when we are trapped
in the finalities of our linear, hierarchic paradigm and the non-plus-ultra of anthropocentrism.
Now, that we lost our ecological relevance
and the eco-dynamic is putting us in our evolutionary place,
human civilization is writing its last episode.
I’m trying to overcome the anthropocentric biases by conceptualizing
the Next Chapter
in a non-linear, non-hierarchical narrative.
24 centuries ago Plato argued that with philosophy we learn to die.
not only as an individual
XXX but as a civilization
if not as an entire species.
XxxXx or to transcend into the Next,
XxxXx we need to reanimate our philosophies,
xxXXx our love for wisdom that reflects the eco-dynamic of real life.
and try to avoid or circumvent the great demise, others are attempting to identify or even fight
the ‘evil’ forces that got us here;

Now, that our old, anthropocentric belief systems,
theories & philosophies are worn out and the ‘lines are frayed’,
what are we going to do with all those loose ends ?
we’ve forgotten how to craft baskets, ropes & networks, how to weave those loose ends together
into ‘containers’, or join them within the ‘fabric of life’.
was discredited, and the skills to conspire, collaborate & reconcile with our
natural & social environment degenerated or were dismissed as inopportune.
Our socio-psychological impaired species suffers a severe case of permanent stupor,
a lethargic inertness that has mutated into a taint.
The 2022 IPCC global assessment report, the sixth update about our climate change mitigation progress, just confirmed
our collective insensitivity to the future of this planet and the non-existence or inadequacy of our combined efforts.
The security of our species is coextensive with the integrity of our Biosphere.
We need to see ourselves in context with all other co-evolving life on this planet;
– any existential approach must deal with our role in the senseless extinction of so many
co-evolutionary partners, as well as the possible impending nonexistence of our own species.
But, entropy and the laws of thermodynamics, suggest that nature and the universe are
continuously moving toward an equilibrium of ‘no-order’ or chaos;
– the bigger and more complex a system, the more energy it consumes to maintain
its structure & soundness, the danger of collaps increases proportionally.
It’s all about
For those of us who were able to overcome their perceptual impediments and understand
the severity of the situation there is no solution on the current level of mental processing;
just a thick fog of delusions or a depressing reality !
…. are we really what we think we are;
is there a ME without the WE ?
My – Your – Our ‘Next Chapter’,
is all about this collaborative, mental process
of sieving through our experience & education
and transforming our conditioned awareness & beliefs
into a more comprehensive learning experience.
By recognizing the neurodiversity of the collective mind and reanimating our neuroplasticity,
we will regain our so urgently needed Social-Emotional-Intelligence, find our socio-eco-logical
relevance in the common, and open our spiritual sense to the non-local, entangled consciousness
From collective Subconsciousness to Consciousness
Here we gear into a new kind of eco-psychology that shifts onto a new ‘level’ of philosophic engagement;
It is then that the reader asks that crucial question, ‘What’s it all about?’
But what ‘it’ is, of course, is not the actual text… but the text the reader has constructed
under its sway. And that is why the actual text needs the subjunctivity that makes it possible
for a reader to create a world of his own. – Jerome Bruner
The roaming or discursive character of these pages with all its subjunctive text & images
wants to conjoin with the reader’s mindfulness, weave the ‘loose ends’ of an
individual line-of-thoughts back into the network of collective consciousness.
In a non-linear correspondence, it becomes necessary for the reader to engage,
respond to the subliminal stimuli and join the discourse or conversation
in an accommodative & complementary way.
Only through participative thinking, we will understand and fully comprehend
the eco-dynamic of the ‘Next’; reading between the lines, behind the words
and beyond the ‘pages’ will make us co-author of all that what follows;
We tend to forget, or give little credit to the fact that all our intellectual or cognitive functions,
including abstraction, reasoning & comprehension, are actually a composition or co-production
of our environmental collaboration, and thus rather constitute a collective mind-at-work
than the product of some individual consciousness.
This kind of correspondence with the dynamic, non-linear chaos of our collective environment
requires a new layer of language skills that can complement an extended social-emotional ‘vocabulary’.
This is an intelligence where words are not enough …
To interact harmoniously with the constantly changing realities of the collective, we need to
enhance our contemplative ‘about-thinking’ with a faster, co-responding ‘withness-thinking‘.
If our task is simply a theorizing process, then there are many brilliant writers and thinkers in the recent past to turn to. But as I see it, these writers are mostly oriented toward helping us think about process ‘from the outside’, about processes that we merely observe as happening ‘over there’. But if we are to rethink appropriate styles of empirical research, then we need a different form of engaged, responsive thinking, acting, and talking, that allows us to affect the flow of processes from within our living involvement with them. Crucially, this kind of responsive understanding only becomes available to us in our relations with living forms when we enter into dialogically structured relations with them. It remains utterly unavailable to us as external observers. I will call this kind of thinking, ‘thinking-from-within’ or ‘withness-thinking’, to contrast it with the ‘aboutness-thinking’ that is more familiar to us. What we can gain in our understandings-from-within, is a subsidiary awareness (Polanyi) of certain ‘action guiding feelings’ that can play a role in giving us an anticipatory sense of at least the style or the grammar of what is to come next in the ongoing process in which we happen to be involved, feelings which are lost in descriptions ‘from the outside’. – John Shotter
There is no such thing as unprejudiced observations, all examinations of an individual are biased.
Everything we sense or perceive, are complex, multimodal functions of perception that include
or integrate all & everything we experience in the Here-&-Now or learned in the past.
Knowledge belongs to everybody – no private property here !
Communities are the author or weavers of knowledge networks
the creator of skill webworks, scientific mosaics and the Wikipedia network.
To minimize, or even overcome the cognitive biases of our investigative mindset
we need to correspond with our environment, share knowledge, observations & perspective;
we need to apply whatever is left of our social-emotional-intelligence,
relearn how to relate & harmonize with Environment & Others
and live a complementary, rather than an irresponsible & inappropriate life.
X Complement~Latin-complēmentum, meaning ‘something that completes’
As social beings, it remains in our nature to empathize with each-Other than our-Self,
and is not limited to our people, pets or gardens, but extends into all Other,
our entire habitat, from plants & animals to landscapes & elements.
This is where a new kind of eco-psychological inquiry or analysis becomes the key to all
our correlations & interactions, connecting the one-self with everything else out there;
Where reflections & interrelations cascade into all kinds of communication & correspondence,
the fundamental conditions for development, transformation & cognition.
‘Withness Thinking‘ and ‘Dialogical Inquiry‘ comprise the participative techniques
that correlate us with our environment, and weave us back into the ‘Fabric of Life’.
In this new way of thinking, we have to see our mind
as an embodiment, extending into our environment and
distributed into the ‘things’ that ‘touch’ or move us
rather than something that is trapped in our head
or bound to our brain. [52]Things shape our mind in many different ways
they become cognitive extensions of the human body.
xxX x x x x Lambros Malafourisxxx xxx x ‘What is Extended Mind?‘ ⇒
xxX x x x x ‘Sapient Paradox: Social Interaction as a Foundation of Mind⇒
This ‘Withness Thinking‘ of the ‘Extended Mind‘
is engaged in a constant ‘Dialogical Inquiry’,
an ecosomatic Self-Analysis that is reflecting one-self
in/ on/ thru ‘All Other’.
In Ecopsychology
as well as in
Ecophilosophy or Deep Ecology
we can find
an Affirmation of Life
Yes, the Earth has a Soul
Of course, since such a way of thinking contradicts our anthropocentric ethics,
opposes most monotheistic ordinances and dismisses the artificial values of our economic folly,
it is increasingly unpopular to address the egotism & profit motivation ‘behind’ our selfie culture.
Today we need to deal with an Artificially scripted Intelligence, a new, socially engineered species
that resembles more a Homo-Sociopathis than a Homo-Sapiens.
Trapped in a linear, hierarchic precept, where our individual freedom is replaced with a deputized agency [53],
our confused minds are scattered left & right, all over the place, incapable of aquiring the nessecary,
collective intellect that is able to respond to the socio-ecological challenges of today.
Our consciousness remains oblivious of the common.
our minds are kept in fear of the collective.
But, the ingenuity of our ancestors to gather, record & share information
required empiric & heuristic techniques that were ‘woven’ by a complex,
integrate correspondence with their socio–ecological networks.
Knowledge & wisdom was shared across societies and passed down for generations,
– this mutated & evolved, eventually became compromised and ultimately
devolved into the educational systems and meta-knowledge of today.
All scientific research or inquiery originates in the art of scouting & tracking [54]
The study of environmental circumstances & ecological dynamic
is at the heart of all analytical thinking and academic disciplines.
Our ability to decode or ‘read’ the natural phenomena of time & place and to understand
‘Mother’ Nature’s guidance system is absolutely necessary for our existence on this planet.
Only with the aid & counsel of nature have we been able to create the ecologic & economic foundation
that constitutes our coexistence in this world.
‘Tracking’ the migration of fish, birds and other cohabitants on this planet, following
the constellations in the firmament and listening to the spirits, signs & dreams of ‘the Others’
is at the core of our social-emotional development, and essential to all vocation & education.
‘Foraging & Gathering’ wasn’t just collecting fruits, roots or herbs but also meant collecting information
about the characteristics & behaviour of plants, animals and the corresponding elements.
This required complex processing, systematic storage and unimpeded exchange of information.
Early Man knew that their prosperity hinges on social collaboration and ecological congruence.
Sharing knowledge & information, and communicating ideas & opinions
broadened our perspective and gave us a more comprehensive perception,
the essence of our collective, social-emotional intelligence.
Wherever this Social-Emotional-Intelligence is still intact, usually in aboriginal societies,
where compassion, a sense of humor and wisdom – or sapience – are still an integral part
of the collective-mind-works, we also find a remarkable CONTENTMENT WITH LIFE that rather
empathizes WITH the environment, circumstances & LIFE-as-is than to ‘think’ AROUND & ABOUT it.
A mature Social-Emotional-Intelligence has acquired the skills or mastered the art of
making a perceptual & conceptual distinction between a subject and its objects,
or a cognizer and the recognized. (~with no mind-body division, there is only consciousness!)
This is where Death comes into ‘Play’,
where it loses its terrorizing characteristics
because we realize that Death just adds a Dynamic to Life.
Sharing our various ingenuities and combining our complimentary talents & skills
in a collective effort to better & sustain our life on this planet used to be
the common & connatural interest of our species.
The ability to find ‘Common Ground’ by interpreting & coordinating different
perceptions & opinions was always the hallmark of humanity.
All ‘Herd behaviour’ theories, anarchistic concepts and other collective thinking models hinge
on a healthy group dynamic where imitation and suggestion are not a sign of a derogated culture
but the substratum of an ‘associated life’, with altruism as its highest expression.
I am here just because you are;
and everything is there
because we are !
Unfortunately, a purely abstract idea of proprietorship, a linear concept that outlines and
divides our whole existence by theorizing Right & Wrongs, Beginnings & Ends,
by separating the Have from the Have-Not, has trapped us in our anthropocentric Self,
corrupted our way of thinking and tainted our abilities to communicate and interact
with each other and our environment.
Our non-linear, collective consciousness was substituted
by the parameters & restriction of linear consciousness.
‘Possessed’ by ideas of mission, ‘purpose’ and patriarchal values, almost every other
natural phenomena has been perceived as an offence or turned into a traumatic event.
The animalic, wilderness & chaos of nature became Humanity’s worst enemy,
prompting the Good & ‘Righteous‘ of us to launch senseless & eternal wars
against the ‘Nature of Things’, and the eco-dynamic in Life;
by defending our ‘God-given Rights’ we alienated ourselves
from our environment and our fellow men ! [55] [56]
In the Chaos & Wilderness of real Life, nothing is linear or separated from the whole,
everything is interdependent and in motion. Thus it makes sense that, amongst all Other,
we are just another social being with the inherent capacity to communicate & associate
with our environment, and the rudimental disposition to act in accordance with
the ‘common sense’, and the interests of a social group
Individual Intelligence is just an abstract idea,
a dysfunctional construct and misconception
that did not stand the test of time
and has caused a lot of distress & devastation.
Mindfulness doesn’t begin or end in the head of an individual,
it is a collaboration and dynamic exchange of thoughts
within the collective experience as a whole.
Throughout the millennia, our sapient species has learned that there are no independent events
or unrelated phenomena, that nothing in life is linear or hierarchic, and that everything & everybody
is interconnected & entangled with the ‘Rest of Creation’.
Our entire cognitive development, all our learning, conditioning & comprehension is emulating nature’s way,
we imitate or mimic our environment as we ‘perceive’ it, or presume it works.
To collaborate with the dynamic of this world we have to recognize and adopt the wHolistic principles of Life,
we need to ‘get in tune’ with the harmonies of nature, adapt to our habitat and mirror the dynamic
movements & patterns of our eco-system;
… and as the word implies,
an Economy only works in Concordance with Ecology.
This is where the plasticity of our mind comes into play,
where the ingenuity of our individual intellect needs
to correspond, coordinate & conspire with All-Others,
and where it requires Social-Emotional Intelligence
to form & orchestrate a Collective Mind-Work.
Only the social-emotional cognizance of this Collective Consciousness is able to reach ‘fare & beyond’ enough
to comprehend how past & future amalgamate in the here & now and decipher the so-called Chaos in Life.
Just a profound synchronisation & collaboration of our combined ‘tracking, reading & recording’ skills
will provide us with a real sense of the environmental issues on hand; Untangling the complex networks of
of natural occurrences and nonlinear events require ‘dialogical inquiries‘, nonlinear ‘withness-thinking‘
and the collaboration skills of a well-developed social-emotional intelligence;
all qualifications of a mature Self the multisensory awareness of an ‘Extended Mind‘.
Contrary to popular belief, analytical thinking hinges on
non-linear networking and a constant, unrestricted correspondence;
– and this is always a collective, Peer-to-Peer undertaking.
Only the collection of old knowledge & wisdom in combination with new
Intuition, Inspiration & Imagination
is able to contextualize circumstances & conditions with and make sense of the whole.
It is this collective & extended Mind that enables us
to approach the complexity of life from multiple sides & angles,
allows us to place or plant things & issues’ under different conditions & circumstances
to expose patterns, concepts & theories to the dynamic of change,
and to use contrasting perspectives to test all matters in time & space.
By utilizing the nonlinear, analytical thinking of our social-emotional intelligence
we might find consolation in the fact that nothing gets lost in this world,
that everything is in a constant transition and real life has no beginning or end,
just a past and a future.
The Last Episode of the Anthropocene
began with the ‘Expulsion from the Garden Eden‘,
the implementation of androcentric, hierarchic stratifications,
and the implied ideas of ownership and divine entitlements;
postulates & principles ‘written in stone’ have systematically separated us
from everything that is common to us, has completely detached us from our environment,
our collective Life as a Whole.
And, as this episode is rushing into its last phase of the abysmal descent of humanity,
it seems to be wiser to turn our attention ‘back’ to our analytical ‘reading’ skills
and our remaining ability to correspond with our environment in a more sensible way.
Now that our species is flirting with Armageddon and has no means left to come together
and coordinate a collective response to the eradication of our species, it is time to break with
our linear hierarchic mind frame, evoke our collective consciousness
and reinstate our social-emotional intellect.
In order to recover our displaced human faculties
we need to regain our long-lost sapience,
-this common sense of humanity that has helped us so far.
To disentangle our Selves from the artificial logic of algorithms and its confusing hyperreality,
we have to re-learn how to ‘read’ or decipher the social-emotional narrative of our life,
and then maybe ‘write’ in a non-linear, more eco-dynamic way, our Next Chapter.
This, our Next Chapter has to be co-authored by the knowledge & wisdom of our ancestors,
the ‘extended mind’ and collective consciousness of all participating individuals
and the ever-changing dynamic of life;
– a never-ending process that is completely perfect,
– perfectly moving on …
This Next Chapter is not about the countless, insincere political attempts to reengineer a certain,
social compliance or ‘consciousness’, it has nothing to do with a ‘New Economy’ that just benefits
our species alone, nor is it another ‘pitty party’ of anthropocentric environmentalism,
– it’s about the eco-dynamic restoration of life on this planet.
Some of us need to come up with a non-linear,
more organic account of the events & phenomena,
an alternative, socio-ecological narrative of our story.
Throughout our anthropocentric, monotheistic history we are in a divine struggle
against the wild & animalic forces of nature; and, as the fabricated story goes,
all Common & Collective is conspiring against us, the finest Creation of all.
Now, that the Dynamic of Life has been ‘translated’ into a Contradiction,
we find our Self entrapped inbetween Good & Evil, Beginning & End, or our Birth & Death,
somewhere where we no longer belong to our habitat, where we constantly struggle
to overcome those estrangements & limitations, and where fighting became a daily affair.
Centuries of fearmongering by this false perceptual construct has traumatized generation
after generation and provoked enormous anthropocentric animosities & hostilities
towards all collective and common ecological realities.
In the history of our species, the chaos of life or the wilderness of nature
has never been the enemy or agressor; our habitat or ecological community
has allways been a patient teacher and great provider and it is us who need to change,
get rid of our perceptual incongruities and rewrite our socio-ecological history;
– this time with an enhanced environmental empathy for the eco-dynamic entanglements
in the non-linear reality of our Life-as-a-Whole.
By consulting with our environment and tuning into the collective perception of our extended mind,
we revise our roles & responsibilities in the ecological community
and sowith rather service a general, common interrest than the delusions of egocentrism.
Just for those who realize that our insensibly constructed perception of life
is just getting ‘decomposed’ by the eco-dynamic of nature,
it makes ‘common sense’ to share their observations, knowledge & wisdom
with their fellow men and the whole of humanity on a P2P basis. [58]
With the comprehention of our collective presence, we owe it to our ancestors,
as well as to future, post-apocalyptic generations
to pass-on some of our common sense.
Whatever anthropomorphous species will follow our downfall,
some of us should bequeath them with our Collective Mind-Works.
Only those of us who know how to use the 3I’s of their spiritual senses,
their allegorical, tropological & anagogical thinking, will be able to utilize ‘the Other’,
thus get a more comprehensive view of the Big Picture and a better ‘grip’ on the Whole Story.
Economically compromised science with its calculative thinking and intrinsically
flawed logic has fooled us so far and lost all its credibility
when it comes to our relationship with the environment & ecosystem.
Navigating the chaos and non-linearity of Life requires
a new ‘art’ form of discursive, contemplative thinking.
This is where we need some new kind of Intuitive discernment process where our thoughts
‘forage’ our collective experience by roaming the abundance of our collective mindscape,
and we just focus on the intrinsic qualities of the solutions that ‘cross our minds’.
Here, I/we introduce a meditative mindfulness with a discerning sense of
harmony & composition, for interconnectivity, eco-dynamic and all the conditions
that rejoin our Self with the collective and reconnect us with all ‘Others’.
Thus we create a mindset or disposition that overcomes visible & invisible demarcations,
walls & borders, which eases our crossing to the ‘other side’ and is enabling pāramitā.
Here the etymology divides pāramitā into pāra + mita, with pāra meaning –‘beyond the far shore
or boundary’, and mita, meaning – ‘that which has arrived’, or ita – ‘that which goes’.
Pāramitā, then means – ‘that which has gone or goes beyond’, or ‘transcendents’.
(Tibetan translation: pha rol tu phyin pa – ‘gone to the other side’)
Our ‘Next’ examination of the human condition has to be a collective analysis,
a more discoursive-oriented analysis that puts our species in context & interrelation
with the environmental circumstances and the eco-dynamic realities of today & tomorrow.
This kind of discourse analysis is an ‘Open Source‘ process, offering all participants
a ‘voice’ or input, and a visualization of their contributions in combination & comparison
with & to other, different perspectives in the community;
x x x x x x x xx x xx x x x– this way, it becomes a therapeutic process.
As ‘logos’ is by definition both Reason and Language,
all abstract schemata have to be examined
in their verbal realization in any given situation.
Cutting thru the mist of hyperreality
will clear & free our minds of a ‘Finite Creation‘,
open our senses for the more Natural Mystic of Life.
A more participative engagement with our environment,
will reveal lost, hidden & new sensibilities
and the emotions that can guide us into The Next …
While the majority of people around you are still illuding themselves
with an artificially constructed reality, the world around us has changed drastically,
and the saga of human suffering is continuing;
– and unless you choose to transcend your Self into the Collective,
the Next chapter will be even more traumatic than the last.
How we respond to the collapse of our civilization
will determine how bad things get and what will replace them.
The physical & mental challenges are enormous and unparalleled in human history;
They confront us individually & collectively, force us to question our identity,
our values and our relationship to the environment & life.
Will we continue to put the survival of our species first,
will we go on with the disassociation & disintegration that not only divides us
along the property lines of race, gender & religion, of culture,
nationality or party association, but is also separating us from our natural habitat ?
De-Anthropocentralize your Thinking,
De-Colonize you Mind,
Re-Communitize your Self and join the Common !
While Civilization Circles the Drain,
let’s Question the Narrative behind it,
and find the Intrinsic Eco-logical Meaning in it !