This is a completely different approach
to the fundamental issues of today :
Entitlement, Belonging & Change
re-connecting Economy with Ecology.
(…and of course it gets spiritual when entering Ecological issues !)
About this Website
Inviting the ‘mindful eye‘ to a place of contemplation & reflection.
– So, take your time and open your mind !
Now is the time for a radical & fundamental Paradigm Shift .
Untangle the Network of Entanglements !
Continue reading → slowly
Please Educate Yo’self !
for mature readers only…
– mentally fit enough to ‘jump the fences’,
– going beyond the ‘normal’ mambo jumbo !
This is a place of Insight & Vision,
where the healing process begins
in the Chaos of Here & Now !
my writings of conceptual metaphors in search of a Paradigm Shift
Any Logic in this Reality originates in Logos, – the word,
and any logic Thought begins by formulating a Question.
Throughout these sites I make great use of metaphors & allegories.
Conceptual metaphors are considered to be a cognitive language,
and are commonly used to characterize or describe more complicated
processes in a more simple & undiscriminating fashion.
These metaphors shape, not just our communication,
but also our way of thinking & behavior.
These pages try to encourage a fundamental change of thinking, a shift in your paradigm of perception
Continue here with A Contemplation about Life and its Relation to the Whole →
Just a Story of Belonging & Correlation