Caveat lector: There are at least two ways of reading my ‘articles’. They may be read as a ‘self-contained’ introduction to a thought, idea or theory, or, alternatively & preferably, can be taken as a ‘hub page‘ into the subject matter. One may regard them as a vade mecum that goes hand-in-hand with other publications here & beyond which may be consulted for further analysis or explanations, and/or use the words as vertexes or nodes of a much larger network of ideas, ultimately leading into the realm of collective consciousness. (Indra’s Net) In order to accommodate this second approach I keep the level of ‘redundancy’ higher than absolutely necessary. So the attentive reader should not be annoyed by these repetitions or reiterations, they are in fact intended reflections of the contextual environment. This is contemplative writing for the mindful reader, so please take your time and try to ‘think more slowly’. The sometimes very abstract thematic requires a more metaphorical language with peripheral words & images. This layout allows not only ‘mental breaks’ but also eases the navigation should the reader choose to leave the page or paragraph and return to it later. As in all my writings, the reader can choose where to begin, end or deviate … … because eventually, everything will fall into its place anyway.
In an overpopulation, our mind protects itself from overexposure by gradually shutting off its social-emotional sensory systems. – The result = HomoSociopathis
Some thousand years ago, during the transition from a hunter-gatherer culture to an agricultural society, our human mind made an evolutionary leap.
We became hunters for opportunities and gatherers of knowledge.
But, at some point during this process, when inexperienced thinkers were distracted or overwhelmed by a flood of new information & ideas, (-doesn’t this sound familiar) some strange new thoughts entered their minds. These new ideas sneaked-in thru the backdoor of sub-consciousness, but were not properly checked by our consciousness, and ‘undigested’ by our sapience, (-Latin for wisdom). Such ‘undigested’ experiences can cause severe mental reflux or constipation, and when unrealistic & hypothetical theories establish themselves in a young and ‘fertile’ mind, the consequences can be devastating and extremely long-lasting. Certain combinations & circumstances can trigger cancerous growth & destruction, causing extreme imbalances & disharmonies in the organism, affecting our entire psychosomatic system. Since ideas & beliefs are powerful manipulators of the mind, and can ‘move mountains’ if necessary, they also affect & transform our entire social behaviour and change our social-emotional- intelligence.
Early man had learned how to survive under all sorts of circumstances & conditions, They knew how to make tools to defend themselves and how to use the resources of this planet. A constant observation of the environment had taught them the principles of co-existence & co-operation, and they understood their rights & responsibilities in this environment, our ecosystem.
This ecological consciousness, comprehending the complexity of co-existence & co-operation, transformed us from a simple social being into a sophisticated co-creator, a Man-of-Wisdom,
– the Homo Sapiens.
By following simple economic principles, choosing & using new combinations of materials & resources, mixing different natural concepts and imitating biological processes, our ancestors synthesized or co-created a new ‘Way of Life’, a new Ecological Force on this planet. Based on the principles of a sustainable food production, man discovered a new kind of energy : the synergy of co-creation…
The ability to control & manage a more consistent food supply had changed a simple path of survival into a way of confidence & self-determination, a highway to a future of world-domination… – Modern Man had reinvented himself. This new freedom unleashed a ‘flood’ of new ideas & innovations, followed by a ‘landslide of technological achievements. The result was a rapidly growing population, settling everywhere the fertile ground was promising growth & prosperity. The land was cleared, trenches & wells were dug, the soil was broken, and barns & houses were built. As all these new communities of farmers & craftsmen were facing completely new sets of challenges, they also had to respond in a completely different manner, a more collective way. As they experimented with all kinds of new forms of social organization, a complete & systematic restructuring of the ‘old societies’ had begun. But, most importantly, the new Ecological Force behind all these developments needed to be controlled, checked & balanced by an equally sophisticated mindset, – a social-economic intelligence.
As we are all a physical part of nature, so does the management of such environment, our habitat, require our complete social-emotional attention & integration.
A Real Economy has to be an Integrated Part of our Social-Emotional Intelligence.
– And this is where the shortfall began, the ‘point ’ in history where things started to get out of control.
In the spiritual world of our ancestors, where nothing existed or happened by chance, and consciousness encompassed the multisensory experiences of subconsciousness, Imagination Intuition & Inspiration
where the inner ‘eyes’ of reality, interconnect us with the invisible energies of the universe.
Now, these 140 million-year-old natural instincts got compromised, numbed & de-sensitized.
– We evolved, or better mutated, into something else.
Imagination & Intuition have always been our greatest Inspiration in life. Dreams & Visions are the source & foundation of all thoughts & ideas; Inspirations are the ‘breath of mind’, absolutely necessary for anything we do, and the essence of our ‘spiritual’ connectivity with the rest of creation, – our environment.
A ‘divine’ inspiration comes thru the mind-altering experience of self-reflection, stimulating a ‘new sense’ – the ‘Sense-of-Wisdom’, ‘awakening’ our individual perception of Life and the recognition of our Self in the context of belonging to our environment. – Our Individual Self-Consciousness.
This Sense-of-Wisdom is a mental digestive system, our CPU, it processes our multisensory experiences, controls & uses memory & knowledge to amalgamate & synthesize the energy, the Synergy we need to generate any sensible activity. This is our guidance system, our Compass-n-Chaos keeping us in Balance & Harmony with ourselves, our social network and our natural habitat, this is our Social-Emotional Intelligence keeping us integrated & connected with the world around us.
This is the ‘Sense’ which transformed Homo-Erectus into a Man-of-Wisdom, the Homo-Sapiens !
The awake & conscious mind translates Inspirations into sensible thoughts & ideas. Transforming these ideas & theories into reality, is the process of realization & creation. And, since Nothing comes from Nothing and Everything comes from Something, Nothing exists out of context, nothing stands alone, Every thought is Inspired by its Environment & circumstances, Every Idea is Related to all the other Ideas & things out there, Every Creation is a Collective Undertaking, a Co-creation !

By trying to lock-out, or by simply ignoring the 3I’s of sub-consciousness we just made ourselves less aware, or ‘unconscious’ if you will, about our environmental interconnection, just disconnected us, not only from ‘Mother’ Nature but also from our brothers & neighbours, our fellow-man.
It just took a few of these mind-altering concepts to infect our ‘common sense’ with a ‘malicious virus’, a ‘contagious disease’ that has now transformed the social behaviour of our entire species. It only took a few thousand years of self-destructive insanity to infest & destroy this planet, our habitat.
– Like a cancerous growth, which does not rest until it has consumed its host, this mental disease has completely derailed our Sociocultural evolution and continues to spread unopposed throughout modern societies.
Ideas or concepts which behave like a virus are called a meme !
That’s why mass-movements are so treacherous, they create the ideal condition for a mental pandemic.
Restricted by Linguistics and limited by the superimposed perception of a linear worldview, our social-emotional-intelligence became a narrow-minded and very selective way of thinking. This ‘intelligence‘ with very limited flexibility and substantially reduced emotion, censored by some rigid commandments of reward & punishment, is now required to organize a set of mostly physical phenomena in a linear fashion. Because we have systematically & scientifically discredited any natural spirituality, and since we have not developed any other metaphysical sensitivities, we are mentally & physically trapped in the illusion of a limited & restricted reality. We have ‘evicted’ ourselves mentally & physically from the ‘Garden Eden’, – our environment; we locked-out the ‘Holy Spirit’, – our wisdom, and crippled our inner ‘compass‘ & guidance system. Consequently, we have no sense of detail & complexity, we think out-of-context and have completely lost our perception of the whole.
As a collection of disenfranchised individuals, deprived of any collective consciousness and with no sense of a collective sub-consciousness, we are completely lost on our way, or any ‘different level’ of thinking.
Unable to comprehend the complexity of the issues on hand, our leaders & experts are completely clueless and the other 99.999 % of us are utterly helpless when we encounter the social-economic challenges of today. Here & Now we would need way more knowledge about the origins of disharmony & imbalance in our social-emotional intelligence, we would need to find the source of discomfort & unhappiness in our own lives,
However, a balanced interaction between human nature and Nature requires that we invite & allow Nature to heal us !
Please do not misunderstand, viruses play a significant role in the evolutionary processes of life. Viruses are an epiphany of perception: the general, and most popular perception of a virus is that of a threat, a poisonous disease, a nuisance & enemy we have to fight by all means; we simply apply concepts of destruction & elimination by fighting justified or ‘good’ wars against all ‘evil’, – and then end up calling it Healing.
But on the other hand, we have learned that viruses are responsible for the stimulation of our natural immune systems, and that they are pivotal in the process of organic recycling. These viruses provide the vast genetic diversity which is essential to maintain a healthy life-cycle, and they guarantee the balance & harmony in the great ecosystems of this planet.
It takes a Perceptual Shift to sense the Natural Dynamic in all of this, the relevance to our state of mind, and to ‘see’ the implication it carries for our future mental development.
Viruses are the prime example that there is no absolute right or wrong, good or bad, just harmony or disharmony, balance or imbalance. Depending on circumstances & environment, the poison can become a wonderful medicine; but when applied in a different combination, at the wrong place & time, the healing process can turn into an infectious disease.
The same principles & patterns can be observed in the ‘virus-infected’ minds of the human species. It all boils down to just a few sources of contamination: – the belief in an unchangeable, absolute & solid Truth, fixated on the Ultimate & the Final, the one & only center point of creation; – together with the idea of a hierarchic, linear world order, a simple pyramid scheme, separating & dividing everything by the rules of ‘divine’ entitlements or disqualifications; – combined with the theories of property & ownership have created the ethics & morals which ultimately found solidification in a concept of Law & Order based on reward & punishment.
As these pages are dedicated to the systematic analysis of these fundamental ideas & theories which have brought so much despair & unhappiness in our lives, here now a look at the dreadful combinations & circumstances which might have caused their evolution or mutation into a full-blown mental disease.
A visualization of how this mental ‘virus‘ has spread and infected our entire species can give us some insight & vision and help us to change our personal perception of existence.
A closer, analytical look at history reveals the development of a mental disease, the mutation of a social being into an incongruent species.
As we discovered the efficiency of specialization and our food production increased dramatically, we began to lose sight of the benefits in diversity. Looking back, we understand that the loss of biodiversity has caused major imbalances in our environment. From agriculture to forestry, from biodegradation, decomposition & digestion to yeast infections & immune deficiencies, the entire life-cycle is now compromised.
Monoculture is a completely dysfunctional concept, it is a non-sustainable process, and one of the original ‘viral infections’ of the mind !
Our introduction to Monism was absolutely ‘ground-breaking’ and was followed by the replacement of Pantheistic Spirituality with Monotheistic religion.
– The ‘seeds’ were planted and just needed to be watered & fertilized to sprout & grow.
The intellectual & technological ability to design & construct our own ‘New World’ around some geometric shapes and a hierarchy of numbers, sparked the idea of human world domination.

With the new self-confidence of a species ‘on top of the food chain’, and with this new physical reality in mind, we developed a new perception of values & ethics, a new reasoning with a new logic of duality & causality. (two contrary forces to keep the balance between good & bad following a line from beginning to end)
With this Divine confirmation in mind, we began to create a new Linear Order of things, beginning with new concepts of Divine Entitlements, Rights of Ownership & Property.
The ground was prepared and ‘fertilized’ with new ideas; – the seeds started to sprout !
Our natural sense for eco-dynamic interdependencies was slowly replaced by a growing trust in the power of human ‘intelligence’, and eventually was completely consumed by our belief in the divine right to conquer & exploit our planet. Shifting our lateral & horizontal sense of co-responsibility away from our environment and more towards a submissive compliance with orders from an authority above, changed our perception of creativity & intelligence. This new perception of responsibility transformed our freedom of Choice into a concept of Decision-making. Now we had a vertical, psychometric process of creating physical & intellectual values in form of property & possession, – taking ownership by creation. Here we can find the fundamental concepts of enslavement, conquest, lease & compounded interest !
This loss of the co in creation transformed our co-operation into carrying-out-an-operation, and our co-existence into just existence. By segregating social-emotion from our intelligence we dismissed the most important contributor to the big leap in human evolution, – our empathy or mirror neurons.
This sense had given us a big advantage, it had connected us, not only with our fellow-man, but also with the rest of creation, our environment, habitat & home, – our ecosystem.
But unfortunately, this new logic was a pyramid scheme, contradicting any social-economic behaviour, the trademark of Homo-Sapiens, transformed it into something else, – a bizarre cancerous growth consuming its host…
In charge of nature, and only responsible to the Almighty Creator above, – believe it or not, some of us were selected, given some kind of ‘divine entitlements’ to lead the rest of us, take possession of everything on this earth, and partition it into properties.
For Indigenous people, the creation of property-lines & enclosures was a strange new concept, and the rules & regulations concerning the Right of Ownership remain a very confusing issue till today. Besides the obvious questions about the origin of these divine rights, and the fair distribution of the common wealth, it still leaves people concerned, if not paranoid, about the perception of being locked-in or locked-out, – and whose life is this anyway ?
Depending on the point of view, the walls & fences we created protected us and kept the wilderness & chaos out of our fields & orchards, but also separated us mentally & physically from our natural environment, estranged us from our fellow-man, alienated us from the rest of creation, locked us out of the ‘Garden Eden’, and denied us access to eternal life !
Trespassing these arbitrary, mental & physical demarcation lines became a punishable offence, and introduced a whole new set of ethics, a morality solely based on property rights & duties. Of course, these narrow-minded concepts had to be enforced with senseless systems of reward & punishment. Sin & humiliation evoked shame, guilt & fear, followed by despair, regret & grief and eventually became the ‘framework & texture’ of psychosis in ‘modern’ man.
Spirits became Ghosts & Demons, Conspirations turned into a Thread for the Establishment, and Dreams & Visions just dwelled in the Darkness of Night.
With the personification of Deities, we began to transform our natural Spirituality into some more pragmatic concepts of Religion, promising a return to the ‘lost paradise’, – we just had abandoned; and the reunification with this One Creator, – we just had created.
This combination of arbitrary concepts & theories became the breeding ground of some very strange & irrational belief systems. Despite the obvious shortfalls, these beliefs began to overgrow all our natural instincts, and finally outgrew this special common sense & wisdom we had developed over the previous millennia. Our lives were now in the hands of ‘The Almighty’ and, of course, his representatives. Fundamental questions were cut short by the reminder that “God is working in mysterious ways”, or the inquirer simply got ‘burned at the stake’. Together with the ideas & concepts of distinction & differentiation came new methods of selection & separation. We began to scale & measure the world by new standards & values; We reduced life to a time-frame, and restricted living by a set of rules & regulations which did not leave much room & freedom for an individual choice.
The variables of nature did not fit our idea of discipline & order anymore, they became the synonym for Chaos & Anarchy. Savages, wilderness & weeds, together with sickness & diseases became the enemy of ‘modern civilization’, they had to be eliminated or eradicated, evoking an even deeper fear of decay & death. Nomadic people and wild animals became intruders & trespasses, they had to be restrained or pacified by force.
Transition & transformation, anything on-the-move or changing-things-around was perceived as a threat to the soundness of our structures and the order & stability of the system. In a polarized worldview all the Natural Dynamic became ‘Evil’, and we, the ‘Good’ people, had to declare a total & endless war against this enemy. Monotony was perceived as Harmony, a solid structure was seen as Stability and Sustainability became the synonym for constant growth.
Dropping the motion out of Emotion was taking the mental plasticity & flexibility out of intelligence.
Homo Sapiens was now mentally handicapped !
After the Earth was conquered, time & space partitioned & divided, the new parameters & standards became a mental fixation & obsession of human civilization. The ‘rules of engagement’ were now ‘set in stone’, solutions were ‘frozen stiff’ and we became unable to ‘go with the flow’of ever-changing life !
Our correspondence with nature was reduced to just a collection of physical experiences.
The new perception of life had turned into a great deception !
There was just One definition of reality, One linear way of thinking, and One final truth, all belonging to just One Creator.
Pursuing just this One ‘good’ thing in life, all the ‘believers’ started to rush for this One side, people were screaming “Chaos” & “Anarchy” and panic broke out… – Now the ‘boat’ was completely out-of-balance, it leaned to this One side, and was taking on water.

– with good we created evil,with prohibition we created crime…
It just took a few generations to transform the environmental & social behaviour of a once social being into a mentally deranged and completely asocial species.
With the corruption of our Social-Emotional-Intelligence we had deprived ourselves of our natural ‘guidance system’, our inner ‘Compass’; – our personal wisdom had to make room for the heteronomous law & order of the new system in power. Of course, this new order was further restricted by linguistic terms, and found absolute manifestation in a handful of laws ‘written in stone’.
Since the idea of a hierarchic world-order was based on the structural soundness of a pyramid, the same ‘rock solid’ principles were applied to all other aspects of life.
The world was divided into levels & ranks, tightly connected by a chain of commands; from the ‘Precious One’ on top, down to the hungry masses on the bottom. All of creation was divided into higher & lower life-forms: – a simple weed ranked lower than an apple tree, and an old donkey was less worthy than a well-trained house-slave.
Since this hierarchic evaluation process included properties & divine entitlements, the whole population was divided into Have and Have-Nots.
All this shows us the depth & complexity of this mental disease, and how deeply it has influenced our social- & environmental behaviour.
Since Hierarchy inherits competition, and the natural & organic evaluation processes were overwritten by some highly judgmental concepts of proprietorship & entitlement, we ended up becoming something very different to a ‘social being’. A new form of ‘competition’ was introduced, and the egalitarian distribution of ‘common ground’ was replaced by a hierarchic division of properties. The great disappropriation had begun
With this new belief system of ‘divine privileges’ firmly in place, we began to create new ‘social-economic’ concepts with consecrated governments leading & dictating the way. Monarchies & Dynasties rang-in the age of warlords, with Despotism & Feudalism, building territorial & commercial empires by pillaging & plundering the land and their fellow man.
The ‘Dark Ages‘ were finally replaced by the ‘Golden Age‘ of the Renaissance. With more science & ‘education’ came the great Reformation, and new ideas of humanism & social equality spread quickly via the newly invented print media.
But, as the conquest & colonization of the planet continued to increase, the extermination & exploitation of people became more sophisticated & systematic.
With the growing industrialization, and the management of agricultural resources becoming less important, ‘modern’ economics was all about the management of old entitlements & possessions including the newly created Labor-Force or Working Class. – And the land barons, factory owners & commodity traders were laughing all their way to the bank.
For centuries Banks had been responsible for the management of capital & trade. Since they were in charge of the monetary & financial system, they became now the most important institution, to manage & control the commodity of labor. -The Banking System guaranteed the enslavement of the people.
Despite the great technological advancements, the socio-economic problems of modern civilization got out of control, and the constantly growing population became desperate for solutions. We entered the 19th century with revolutionary ideas. By revisiting the old concept of the Roman Republic, and reusing their ancient democratic ideas, people developed their ‘new’, social-democratic theories of socialism & communism. A new kind of war was added to the list of ‘natural disasters’, and a series of great revolutions shook up modern civilization.
Still, far removed from the original wisdom of social-emotional-intelligence, modern man was unable to manage his social-economic issues;
– the psychosomatic dysfunctions were not addressed and the fundamental problems remained unsolved ! All the fighting for freedom & equality had just obvious & ‘tangible’ things in mind, – demanding free access to the natural resources of this planet, and a fairer distribution of common wealth among an ever-growing population.
Psychology vs Mentology
The great ‘social movements’ of the new political ideologies & doctrines had joined the senseless antagonism of the ‘demented’ ones. As the quantity of people was either a liability or an asset in this dispute, the control of the masses became the key issue in the struggle for power & control. – The newly rediscovered science of Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud was this key to our minds; – it opened the backdoor to our sub-consciousness and created the perfect ‘mechanism’ to recondition the behaviour of the people, or to control “the bewildered Herd !“, as Walter Lippman called it.
Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, became the pioneer of the ‘Engineered Consent‘, or the ‘guidance from above’, controlling the irrational thoughts and unconscious feelings of the masses.

Psychology was the perfect instrument to redesign human nature, to create ‘happy‘ & docile societies !
– Consequently, psychoanalysis became the scientific foundation of marketing & ‘education’, helping to manipulate & indoctrinate various segments of the population.After dropping ecology out of our economic definitions, it made perfect sense to do the same thing with the psyche in psychoanalysis. We replaced it with a new kind of science, a more pragmatic science of the mind, like Evolutionary Mentology, neuroscience, sociology etc., – specializing & focusing on the more tangible ‘facts’ in human behaviour; But instead of dissolving the psychological entrapments, these modern forms of ‘psychology’ have now evolved into a sophisticated affirmation of the meme.
As our addiction to growth & expansion had already transformed plowshares into swords, the new combination of mentology & ‘economics’ ratified war & competition as an integrated part of our Psychosis. This is where Reform & Revolution turned into an affirmation of the market system; – a Paranoia, where Health & Education secured the horizontal & vertical transfer of the meme, across & throughout the human population. – a psychic pandemic !
Social-emotionally isolated & disconnected from our fellow man and habitat, we completely misunderstand the correlation between our existence and the rest-of-creation. By ignoring the synergy of nature our ‘bogus-economies’ became a ‘runaway train’… – into the abyss of insanity.
It seems that every new theory or concept we try is poised to fail, simply because they are all conceived on the assumptions of an old outdated paradigm. – As soon as a new idea comes to our sick mind, it gets infected with this viral disease and becomes something very different than intended. It is like ‘building a new ship with old, rotten wood.’
Without an individual healing process of the mind, and a fundamental paradigm shift, all activism is just a re-activism, repeating the old mantras of hope, using the same old principles just with new technologies in green camouflage.Freud’s ‘irrational forces in human nature’ are in fact not so irrational at all, we just need to understand them in context & relationship to real life !
C.G. Jung, on the other hand, makes the loss of these ‘irrational forces’, our ‘instincts’ responsible for the pathological condition of contemporary culture.
As long as we, as individuals, are ignoring our psychosomatic shortcomings, and our mental delusions, we will continue on the road of self-destruction & misery. An Eco–psychological healing process is absolutely necessary & pivotal for our environmental re-integration and includes our adaptation to the eco-dynamic motion of life. → Philosophy-in-Motion
Of course, there is no need for help, intervention or treatment if we continue to live in a state of social-emotional numbness & denial. But as soon as there is the slightest awakening of our multisensory awareness, we will set our consciousness in motion, and our perception of reality will change.
Of course, there is no need for help, intervention or treatment if we continue to live in a state of social-emotional numbness & denial. But as soon as there is the slightest awakening of our multisensory awareness, we will set our consciousness in motion, and our perception of reality will change.
This is the new ‘Level of Thinking’ or consciousness Einstein is talking about. This will get us on the way to another level of Social-Emotional-Intelligence, – where wisdom is the catalyst and reconnects our conscious – & subconscious experiences, – where the collective consciousness includes our natural environment, re-embraces the eco–dynamic of creation, and reconnects us with the eternal Synergy of life.
This is where the collective sub-consciousness can lead to a real cloud intelligence, swarm intelligence or whatever you want to call it…